If your company is not using Snapchat yet, it needs to start doing so NOW. Snapchat is yet another social media tool that you can use to effectively (and easily) market your product, company and/or brand. What is Snapchat? Beginning as a classroom creation at Stanford University, the application developed by Evan Spiegel and Bobby Murphy officially launched […]
Trial and error, although time consuming, will be your friend in this part of the advertising process. Choosing an ad creative means determining the most effective visual to go along with the content you’re advertising. You have the opportunity to choose a few different visuals, or creatives, to go with your ad as long as the visuals abide […]
You’ve created your page and chosen your target audience. Now it’s time to set your budget. Before we begin, I want to give you a forewarning: I don’t have all the answers as to how much your particular advertisement is going to cost. It all depends. But, that being said, I do have the answers as […]
Months back, after I had fully developed my second show techXchange (AV Power Up being the other) – a show designed to be about technology, news and trends with a measure of opinion inserted as well – I began to come up with a concept for a new podcast show. The show would exist on the “Edge […]
You’ve decided on an objective, or call to action, for your Facebook advertisement. Now it’s time to actually set up the advertisement. Who are you targeting? What are are you trying to reach? How long will the advertisement run? Oh, and the big question: how much will it cost? This blog post is going to […]
Every advertisement has a call to action, or objective so to speak. Facebook helps its user create the right advertisement by guiding them step-by-step through building an effective advertising campaign, including indicating what the objective, or call to action, is. Below is a screenshot of the different options for what type of advertising campaign in which […]
Advertisements are everywhere. Flyers. Billboards. Mail. Email. Television. Broadcast. Radio. Brands and companies alike are trying to get the attention of their consumers in any way possible, and with the growth of social media, they’re finding yet another way to do this: social marketing. Facebook advertising is a great example of this. As mentioned in previous posts, it’s […]
Facebook is all about making connections — between friends, family, businesses, etc. Any business will include making a connection with its target audience as a priority in its marketing efforts. Whether it be through direct marketing, newspaper advertising, phone calls or even word-of-mouth, that connection is key to getting a message across. So back to […]
Founded in 2004 by Harvard drop-out Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook continues to remain a relevant social media powerhouse. Its mission is “...to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected.” The statistics for Facebook are incredible. 968 million daily active users on average for June 2015 844 million mobile daily active […]
If you’ve had the chance to browse through some Instagram posts, you’ll notice that not all pictures look exactly the same. Some photos look like they might have been altered a smidgen, as if someone has used Photoshop to edit its appearance. These photos have been edited, yes, but not with a special app. It’s all […]
By now your Instagram account should be set up, and you should be ready to start sharing photos! Remember that Instagram is a social medium to share content via the use of photos or videos. These photos can be pretty much whatever you want them to be; if this account is a personal one, then you […]
Hopefully you were able to take away a good amount of information about what Twitter is and how to use it. Later in the series, we’ll return to each of the social mediums and take an in-depth look at how to use them specifically for marketing your business. For now, let’s stick with the basics. […]
One of the trickiest parts of Twitter is crafting your message into a tweet that people want to read, favorite or retweet. That message, though, has to be 140 characters or less. It’s easier than it sounds. More often than not, a short tweet that is simple and to the point is more likely to […]
Now that you’ve created a Twitter username and personalized your account, it’s time to start building your timeline. Building Your Timeline In order to read other users’ tweets and have your own tweets read, you need to follow and gain followers. By searching for other users in the search bar, you will be able to click […]
Now that you’ve created a Twitter username, it’s time to personalize your account. How do you want users to perceive you or your business on Twitter? It all starts with the basics: name, photo and description. This is your Twitter Bio. Step 1: Make sure your personal information is correct. Next to your username should […]
Twitter continues to be a top social medium for those looking to tell a story, share an opinion or convey some type of message to others. In the online world, that can be extremely difficult, yet Twitter enables its users to foster communication very well. Twitter users vary from political figures and celebrities to students and business people, […]
Hello, readers! My name is Kayla Blevins, and I’m a senior public relations major at the UNC School of Media and Journalism. After taking Gary Kayye’s “New Media Technology and Its Impact on the Future of Advertising, Marketing & PR” and “Branding of Me” classes last year, I’ve discovered my passion for writing and developed an […]