Stop Sending Your People Out to Fix Stuff When They Can Use Teleportivity Instead (And Did We Mention You Can Try It for FREE?)



When people think of remote support, they don’t often think good things. Actually, most people really hate automated support systems. No one likes being pushed through a robot before getting to a real person on the other end of the line. To date, remote tech support, whether AV managers realize it or not, isn’t getting the job done. On top of that, it isn’t serving our younger generation’s desire for on-demand, human-to-human connections.

Isn’t it ironic that all the great AV tech we’ve developed has left people actually using the technology feeling more disconnected?

We want to tell you about a platform called Teleportivity that’s transforming the remote “help desk” as you know it. Actually, we want you to TRY OUT the service for yourself. If you aren’t already sold (we’d be impressed with ourselves if you were), Teleportivity is offering an exclusive deal to ProAV integrators and higher-ed tech managers: a FREE Teleportivity cloud-software subscription with a live video concierge and QR software license. To get the free trial, email with your name, company, email and phone number, and tell them that rAVe sent you.

But, back to my spiel. Earlier this year, Liberty AV got the U.S. distribution rights for Teleportivity (pronounced telly-portivity), a cloud- and video-based, Software-as-a-Service platform. This is customer-service enablement like you’ve never seen it.

It’s the ProAV tech-support solution you always wanted but never knew you needed.

But First, a Bit More About Teleportivity

The focus of Teleportivity’s technology is to prioritize the human connection instead of the technical connection. There are a ton of fantastic features (we recommend watching the demo we shot at InfoComm 2019 as a primer — see it below) but a few key uses we’ll focus on.

  1. Through Teleportal™ video concierge — provided through a fixed iPad or Android tablet with an audio system — Teleportivity enables live remote support, sales and concierge services via video. Imagine this working in an unattended reception space like a hotel lobby from the hours of 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. If you’re concerned about the need for multiple touchpoints, just wait ’til you read about the “jump-screen technology” later.
  2. Secondly, Teleportivity can be used as a live-information, on-site document and web-app repository. Through QR codes and NFC tags for live information, customers can unlock self-guided resources like tutorial videos and instructions. Imagine this on the university campus: If we could identify the recurring problems or places where information is most often needed, we could prevent the headaches before they even begin.
  3. If the answers customers need aren’t available within the mini-site attached to each access point, video chat with a support team can be deployed instantly through video help points. In one touch, a real person is on the other end of the screen ready to help. Imagine a better, extended AV/IT help desk in the corporate space, where in-person support isn’t always accessible.

Through three unique use cases, we hope to help some of our readers — integrators, manufacturers and AV/IT managers in higher ed — feel excited about remote support again.

Case #1: The Unattended Reception Area

Hotels and big corporations spend millions to have the best lobbies and reception areas, where first impressions are formed. The last thing these companies want to do is pay someone to sit there around the clock when lobby use is minimal or nonexistent. How can integrators transform these spaces for their clients to help them be more efficient but still maintain superior customer service?

Teleportivity’s Teleportal™ video concierge gives integrators and end users the flexibility to scale down in-person resources in welcome areas and, instead, offer staff support from any remote location. The key here is that support is still being given through a memorable, human interaction. Teleportivity extends concierge services to reach across multiple locations, to more access points, improving efficiency and effectiveness. Interestingly, its jump-screen technology even allows the remote support to jump from screen to screen within the same room or even the entire building, following the customer from device to device (or on users’ own tablet or phone) through the troubleshooting process. So Teleportivity can be used virtually anywhere — HAHA, see what we did there? — live video support is needed.

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The value-add here is that you can scale your staff up or down, cutting down on wasted resources without forgoing great customer experience.

Case #2: Next-Level Campus Tech Support

We need to fix this stat: On university campuses, fewer than 10% of Level 1 support inquiries and service calls are successfully answered. That means the other 90% of problems go unresolved. If this doesn’t reveal there’s a bandwidth problem, we don’t know what would. But don’t blame AV/IT tech managers for this — when you think about all the technology on a university campus, it would seem nearly impossible to wrangle all the support needed from manufacturers/integrators to keep the operation running smoothly, all the time.

AV/IT tech managers, take note of Teleportivity’s QR/NFC live information points, which could alleviate some of your pain points and save you a lot of Tylenol. QR codes or NFC tags can be placed anywhere, on any device, around campus to give customers live information resources, as well as on-demand video support. And it doesn’t have to be on a fixed device either: People can access it through their own devices, without installing a separate app. Information points can go in every building, on every floor, in every room, on every device — the limit truly does not exist. Customers can get help and information in pre-loaded documents (room instructions, tutorial videos, maps, etc.) that tell them how to operate the technology in that building or room, for example.

This isn’t just for universities either. It’s for any place with high traffic (churches, airports, malls, hotels, meeting rooms, etc.). If we could identify the places where help is consistently needed or information is always wanted, these “live-information help points” could make it so that people don’t even need to video-connect for support in the first place.

The value-add here is time back for the very busy tech manager with too much on his/her plate.

Case #3: The Extended Help Desk in Corporate

Say one of your customers submits an urgent support ticket. What if your on-site rep is tied up? What if your tech support is halfway across the country? Initially, at least, help will come in an instant message or a phone call. But AV technology can be extremely complex and not easily explained over the phone, especially for the layman. With Teleportivity, you can offer more effective support through video in real time, directly in the room or huddle space where help is needed. Third-party remote support on video, not just via phone/email, enables people to better explain, identify and literally show the problem.

ProAV manufacturers and integrators, take note of Teleportivity’s capability to help you run thousands of unique video help points in corporate environments for support that’s as good as being there in person. By the way: this isn’t a video conferencing product. It’s a totally different way of deploying information in addition to what’s already in your system. It doesn’t compete with existing services and technologies that are working; it complements them.

The value-add here is that every space, place and object becomes a portal to support. Imagine how much time and money this could save integrators and manufacturers by reducing on-site visits that could be solved with a video call.

Try It Before You Buy It!

We’re all human. Technology should fuel our innate desire to connect with other humans.

We’re confident that Teleportivity does just that.

AGAIN! Teleportivity is offering an exclusive deal to ProAV integrators and higher-ed tech managers: a FREE Teleportivity cloud-software subscription with a live video concierge and QR software license. To get access, email with your name, company, email and phone number. Don’t forget to mention that I sent you.
