Mark Coxon

Mark Coxon

Mark Coxon is an AV industry native and blogger for the rAVe BlogSquad. You can reach him directly at

It Just Needs to Work: An Exploration of User Experience

I talk a lot about our industry and the shifting center of the technology design process toward human-centered design and the holistic user experience. When talking about large, complex systems, most of the AV people I speak to agree that experience is key. Still, when bringing this idea down into the design of something like […]

It Just Needs to Work: An Exploration of User Experience

AVPhenom’s InfoComm 2024 Recap

The dust has settled, we’ve all returned home, and hopefully most of us came home healthy or have recovered from any bug we may have caught in last week’s gathering of 30,000+ people. Vegas Vegas’d, our social tanks were filled, steak dinners and late night cocktails fueled early morning rehydration efforts, and the overwhelming sentiment, […]

AVPhenom’s InfoComm 2024 Recap

Supporting Cast — 4 LED Mounting Companies to Visit at InfoComm 2024

Direct View LED is becoming more and more affordable, especially in pixel pitches of 1.2 to 1.9mm. For projects that need the most pixel density possible, there are even a few options under 0.7mm if you have the extra cash to get the technology. Bespoke dvLED environments often include corners, curves and facets, making their […]

Supporting Cast — 4 LED Mounting Companies to Visit at InfoComm 2024

4 Video Processors to Check Out at InfoComm 2024

Imagine a digital canvas made up of various technologies ranging from transparent, flexible OLED to dvLED to projection-mapped architecture, integrated into an environment where the video is choreographed with the lighting, synced with spatial audio, and personalized to different users based on sensor-based automation or AI. These customized, experiential environments span several resolutions and aspect […]

4 Video Processors to Check Out at InfoComm 2024

The Importance of Coordination

I was visiting an office a while back and was offered a phone room to hold some meetings. The room was well-equipped with a comfortable chair, adequate lighting, a small table with a Neat Frame to easily join Teams calls, and even a blue accent wall to make it feel a little less sterile. I […]

The Importance of Coordination

How AI will Truncate Timelines and Produce Better Outcomes

I had the pleasure of supporting an LA-based event this month and discussing how AI-based workflows will affect office designs as we move into the future. Most talk of AI in the AV industry has to do with sensor based automation, like personalization and camera tracking and switching in meeting rooms. Most of the buzz […]

How AI will Truncate Timelines and Produce Better Outcomes

Picking the Proper Projector Part 2: Beyond Brightness

It’s funny how great minds think alike. No sooner had I posted my first blog on picking the proper projector than I received a comment from Aaron Peterson at Mechdyne pointing out that I missed a crucial part of the puzzle, and that is the misleading marketing around projector resolutions. Warning: If you thought the […]

Picking the Proper Projector Part 2: Beyond Brightness

Picking the Proper Projector

It’s 2024 and despite the proliferation of microLED and the high availability of low bezel LCD screens, projectors are still alive and well in the AV industry. Rumors of their death have been circulated for years, yet, just like they say in Monty Python, they’re “not dead yet!” Interestingly enough, I find that specifying the […]

Picking the Proper Projector

How Gaming Engines and AI are Shaping AV

In 2016 I wrote a blog called, “Why aren’t we talking about NVIDIA?” If you missed it, the general conclusion was that AI and large-scale video applications would drive NVIDIA to success well beyond gaming. When I wrote that blog in April of 2016, NVIDIA was trading at $8.50. Today, NVIDIA is at $776 with […]

How Gaming Engines and AI are Shaping AV

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Managing Complex Projects

If you’ve been in technology for any amount of time, you understand that managing a large project can be tricky to say the least. Strong project management skills are a must to create a schedule, assess dependencies, isolate lead times, organize installation crews, coordinate with other trades and keep all of this organized over the […]

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Managing Complex Projects

Surviving Spin Season — Categorizing New Product Releases

Well it’s that time of year again. No it’s not Rabbit Season, it’s not even Duck Season, it is Spin Season. CES kicked off the year, NAMM is happening now, ISE is next week, NAB in the spring and then InfoComm in June.  It’s a steady flow of industry shows and product announcements, some of […]

Surviving Spin Season — Categorizing New Product Releases

The Humanity of Technology

In 2017, the audiovisual trade organization known as InfoComm formally changed its name to the Audio Visual and Integrated Experiences Association or AVIXA. The addition of that little “X” caused some consternation among many in the industry at the time, and there are still some industry Luddites who take shots at the idea of adding […]

The Humanity of Technology

Why Audio Isn’t an All-in-One-Size-Fits-All Proposition

Rewind 10 years ago, and the stack of hardware in a basic conference room included a display, an audiovisual matrix switcher, an audio amplifier, a control processor, a DSP, a hardware based codec, a PTZ camera, ceiling or table microphones, wall or ceiling speakers, and a proprietary touch panel. All that was held together with […]

Why Audio Isn’t an All-in-One-Size-Fits-All Proposition

The 5 Innovation Gaps

As integrators, at the bare minimum, we are value added resellers of AV equipment. We make AV systems more valuable than the sum of their parts through expertise in installation, maintenance, and long term support of technology. However as prices decrease, all-in-one products replace multiple SKUs, and systems come preconfigured out of the box, that […]

The 5 Innovation Gaps

Flow — Why Remote Team Meetings Fall Short

Hybrid work isn’t going anywhere, and the return to historic levels of in-office work and daily attendance is not anywhere on the horizon as far as I can tell — and for good reason. The utility of knowledge-based work can be done from anywhere. The proliferation of high speed internet, Wi-Fi, and cloud-based applications coupled […]

Flow — Why Remote Team Meetings Fall Short

Why Your Meetings Are Still Bad — Part 3: What to Do About It

If you’ve been following along with this series, I appreciate your continued interest in the topic of fixing our meetings.  If you’re new to the series, welcome! Here are the links to Part 1 and Part 2 so you can catch up. In the last blog, I asserted that we are having the wrong types […]

Why Your Meetings Are Still Bad — Part 3: What to Do About It

Why Your Meetings Are Still Bad — Part 2: The World has Changed

If you missed “Part 1: New Tools, Old Mindset,” feel free to go back and read the anecdote I posted there. Our meetings have become bad over time because the world has changed significantly, but I’d argue that our meetings haven’t. You may be thinking, “Well Mark, you’re wrong because today we have new tools […]

Why Your Meetings Are Still Bad — Part 2: The World has Changed

Why Your Meetings are Still Bad — Part 1: New Tools, Old Mindset

When I was 18 years old, I went to visit my grandpa. We sat in his living room and talked about his favorite subject, his grandkids. He took pride in updating me, the family, his waitress at the local Greek restaurant — and anyone else who would listen for that matter — on their accomplishments. […]

Why Your Meetings are Still Bad — Part 1: New Tools, Old Mindset

Creating an Innovative Mindset

Disclaimer: This is NOT a technology post. If you are looking for a post on AI cameras or the latest and greatest all-in-one sound bar, you should click the back button and surf the rest of the rAVe site. However, if you’re looking for a post on innovation, keep reading. For all the corporate real […]

Creating an Innovative Mindset

5 Business Lessons From ‘The Bomber Mafia’

I’m a huge fan of authors who write about behavioral economics and human behavior. My shelves are full of books by Geoff Colvin, Dan Ariely, Daniel Kahneman, Chip and Dan Heath, Barry Schwartz, Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt, and Malcolm Gladwell. The latest book I read by Gladwell was “The Bomber Mafia,” Gladwell’s effort […]

5 Business Lessons From ‘The Bomber Mafia’

Why I Continue to Renew My CTS Certifications

Earlier this month, I logged into my AVIXA training portal. I uploaded several certificates for CTS RUs that I had earned over the last three years. Some of those RUs came from moderating technical webinars or teaching workshops or courses for AVIXA. Others came from events like LAVNCH WEEK right here on rAVe. Still more […]

Why I Continue to Renew My CTS Certifications


If you follow the debates in the social media space, you may already know there is a conversation happening about whether AV is now a subset of IT. Many people believe now that many AV devices are now network endpoints running server or cloud-based virtual services and/or applications, that AV is definitely IT. Others argue […]


An Integrator’s Guide to InfoComm 2023

If you live in North America and you’re in the AV industry, then you likely know that InfoComm 2023 is coming June 10-16 to Orlando. With literally hundreds of exhibitors, hundreds of learning opportunities/workshop sessions and tens of thousands of attendees slated to be at the event, it can be hard to determine how you […]

An Integrator’s Guide to InfoComm 2023

Bridge, Ladder, Elevator, Rocket Ship

Believe it or not, we are still in the middle of the hybrid work debate and design process. Some companies are at different stages than others in the cycle, but most are still looking for some type of benchmark to emerge and help them define their final destination. However, waiting for someone else to go […]

Bridge, Ladder, Elevator, Rocket Ship

Selling AV — Episode 135: When Do You Walk Away?

This week I go to LinkedIn and answer this question from Jason Ward: “When do you walk away from an opportunity?” Tune in to learn when to walk away (and when to run). Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Selling AV — Episode 135: When Do You Walk Away?

The Future of AV is Unreal

In 2016, I asked the AV industry, “Why aren’t we talking about NVIDIA?” If you read my blog, I listed a lot of different areas where I thought NVIDIA could have a huge impact on AV, and although “Video Wall and Multi Window Screen Servers” were included as one of those potential opportunities, I have […]

The Future of AV is Unreal

Selling AV — Episode 134: How to Qualify Customers and Projects Part 2

Even if a customer meets your ideal profile, sometimes we need to qualify the project further to ensure we’re equally invested. Listen to this Selling AV episode to find out how. Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Selling AV — Episode 134: How to Qualify Customers and Projects Part 2

Is the Future of AVoIP Wide Open?

In 2013, I did my first blog on video extension technology for rAVe.  That was the year that Valens and HDBaseT exploded into the market based on it’s successful beta with Crestron, driving their original Digital Media product line. There were some manufacturers doing AV over IP at that time as well, companies like Just […]

Is the Future of AVoIP Wide Open?

Selling AV — Episode 133: How to Qualify Customers and Projects Part 1

How do we continue to grow our businesses effectively as technologies change? The secret to qualifying new customers and projects lies beyond the technology itself. Give this episode a listen for more! Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Selling AV — Episode 133: How to Qualify Customers and Projects Part 1

The Flexibility vs. Performance Trade-off

“For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.” – Sir Isaac Newton I talk to a lot of people about the future of work and how businesses are rethinking their real estate footprints and spaces to adapt to the reality of a hybrid future. Companies want people to come back […]

The Flexibility vs. Performance Trade-off

Selling AV — Episode 132: Lead, Follow or Lose on Margin

In today’s world, you can win on price and not make money, bid to make money and lose on price … or you can lead the problem-solving and discovery process to create a scenario — and everyone wins. Listen to this Selling AV to find out how. Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Selling AV — Episode 132: Lead, Follow or Lose on Margin

The Space Between: Transitions in Hybrid Work

Over the last couple of years, with the shift to remote work, one of the biggest positive changes people really like is that they no longer have a long commute. Living in the Los Angeles area myself, I can relate that not sitting in traffic for 2-3 hours a day is a huge plus. Interestingly […]

The Space Between: Transitions in Hybrid Work