Telepresence Robots Enable Higher Ed Students to Tour Campus, Take Classes – The Interview

In my first Convergent TechWeek I included a story that caught my eye that week about higher education and telepresence robots:

Telepresence Robots Enable Oral Roberts University Students to Tour Campus, Take Classes, and Participate in Graduation from Anywhere in the World

Tulsa, Okla., August 26, 2015 — Carousel Industries, a leader in unified communications, managed services, data solutions and visual communications, announced that it has signed an agreement with Tulsa, Oklahoma-based Oral Roberts University (ORU) to deliver seamless wireless connectivity across its entire 263 acre campus, which will enable the university to be linked to students all over the globe. The installation, which is already underway, features wireless equipment from Extreme Networks and will occur over multiple phases through mid-2016.

As a result, I reached out to Carousel’s media relations firm to set up an interview with James Marsh, the CRO of Carousel Industries and Mike Mathews, the CIO of Oral Roberts University to discuss this in a 30+ minute interview.

Oral Roberts CIO Mike Mathews

Mike Mathews ORU 2

You can see the full press release here.




