What I’ll Be Looking for at InfoComm14
You may remember last year before InfoComm, I put out a post saying that I’d be looking for Howard Hughes on the InfoComm floor. I defined what I meant by saying that I’d be looking for passion, innovation, and courage like that we hadn’t seen in a few years. I even gave an AVator Award out for each company exhibiting passion, innovation, and courage as well.
This year I’ll obviously be spending the lion’s share of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday talking to AV integrators about their businesses and how my company can help them with their projects.
However, I’ll also be on the lookout for something else…convergence.
I’ve been referencing an eBook I wrote about the subject and where we are at with AV/IT convergence, and upon reflection, have decided to release it after InfoComm so that it is as up to date as possible.
I have already spoken with various integrators and manufacturers to get their take.
I’ll have out my AV/IT binoculars next week and I’d ask you to bring yours as well. Then after InfoComm, I’ll release my thoughts on the whole thing, and you can argue why you think I’m wrong, (or you could just take the easy road and agree with me, your choice!)