leah@ravepubs.com." />
Leah McCann is a copywriter for rAVe. Contact her at leah@ravepubs.com.
This week, I was excited to cover my first virtual event on the first official day of fall (Yes! Fall officially began Sept. 22!) on what’s finally a beautiful (not deathly hot) North Carolina day. This show was one that I’d never attended, and one that would be all-brand-new to me — designed specifically for […]
What better LAVNCH EMEA session to recap on UCC Collaborative Day than the one titled “Collaboration Session?” I’m not being facetious; I was really excited to hear what this one had in store. And I was excited for the familiar faces in it: Jane Hammersley of Collabtech, Lieven Bertier of Barco, Nia Celestin of DTEN, […]
Welcome to our second LAVNCH EMEA wrap-up article of the day, where I’ll be recapping for you #AVtweeps the Workforce Session of UCC Collaborative Day. Missed it live? Read my recap below, then register for the LAVNCH EMEA archives. (You must read the entire article to get the CTA, though — no cheating.) I was […]
We at rAVe were as excited about day two of LAVNCH EMEA — UCC Collaborative Day — as any other LAVNCH event we’ve hosted thus far. It’s like Chris Mcintyre-Brown of Futuresource said Wednesday on ProAV Day and reiterated this morning: UC&C (unified communications and collaboration) technology is intertwined into every AV discussion today. How […]
Control is an AV topic that doesn’t “show” its glitz and glamor to the masses — but it’s usually the technology doing the hard work in the background. Control is a critical component to successful AV systems, and today’s LAVNCH EMEA Control Session made sure to tell that story. Read on for the session recap. […]
Welcome to another recap of LAVNCH EMEA. I’m your host, Leah McCann, and if you’re here, you are probably more interested in learning about displays than hearing me blab. So I’ll get on with it. What gives displays — whether LCD, LED or projection — their visual edge? Why pick one over the other? Read […]
Us rAVe-rs woke up bright and early — some of us never went to sleep, actually — to get online today. The occasion: LAVNCH EMEA, which kicked off Wednesday in an exciting start to two full days of AV innovations and solutions launched virtually through our live, online event platform called LAVNCH. If you’ve been […]
SYNNEX VISUALSolv Education Day is just two days away. What is this day, you ask? Oh, maybe you forgot! Or maybe you haven’t heard! Happy to fill you in. Distributor SYNNEX launched a full series of events called SYNNEX LAVNCH Days this season — one set for SYNNEX VISUALSolv, another for SYNNEX COLLABSolv. With themes […]
If you missed SYNNEX’s first-ever COLLABSolv Education Day — part of the SYNNEX COLLABSolv LAVNCH Days series — then, boy, do we have the recap for you. Kicking off the day was a familiar face to rAVe: resident assistant editor Steph Beckett! After a warm intro to the day, Beckett pumped us up for the […]
There aren’t many public companies in our industry that only do AV. For example, familiar names like Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO), Logitech (NASDAQ: LOGI) and Poly (NYSE: PLT; formerly Plantronics and Polycom) are also public, but they have many offerings aside from ProAV. Belgium-based Barco is a $1 billion+ company that does ProAV exclusively — specializing […]
Maybe you actually attended SYNNEX’s first-ever VISUALSolv Healthcare Day, part of the “SYNNEX VISUALSolv LAVNCH Days” series, yesterday — in which case you can ignore my headline. However, if you DID miss it, a day of virtual sessions focused exclusively on AV in healthcare, I give you this wrap-up. Kicking off the event was SYNNEX’s […]
Come fall 2020, every university will be approaching students’ return to campus a little differently. What’s clear is that the notion of the hybrid/HyFlex classroom (or whatever you want to call it) is rapidly gaining traction among the AV community — especially as we start to realize how integral audiovisual technology will be to the […]
Digital Signage Day was our fifth and final day of LAVNCH WEEK 2.0. With support from our partners Samsung, NEC Display and Epson — and a great partnership with DSE and the DSF — the content from these supporters and our session educators was fantastic. Read on for the story. Keynote: Digital Signage Gets Back […]
LAVNCH WEEK 2.0 is moving right along, everybody. Thursday’s theme was EdTech Day — possible thanks to all the support from Intel, Nureva, NEC Display and our partner for the day: HETMA (Higher Education Technology Managers Alliance). Read on for our recap of the day. Keynote: Reimagining the Classroom It’s hard to reimagine what the […]
Wednesday’s LAVNCH WEEK 2.0 theme was New Tech LAVNCH Day: a day dedicated entirely to something we’re all desperately missing by not being able to attend conferences this year — new product launches, like those you typically see on the trade show floor. This day looked a little different from all our other LAVNCH WEEK […]
ProAV is at a crossroads today. And it’s not just because so many of us are working from home and don’t know what the commercial/business space will look like in three months, even with well-researched predictions. Big innovations in ProAV were happening long before COVID-19, but the pandemic has expedited — expedited like the first […]
Wow, what a way to kick off LAVNCH WEEK 2.0 — the weeklong event’s UCC Day included three fantastic education sessions and amazing partner content from AVer, Nureva and Bluescape. There wasn’t a minute we weren’t learning, growing or soaking in something new related to the unified communications & collaboration (UCC) vertical of AV technology. […]
Charmaine Torruella is the moderator for our upcoming panel on UCC (Unified Communications & Collaboration) Day of LAVNCH WEEK 2.0, a day of LAVNCH WEEK that we’re all really excited about, and not just because so many of us are working from home and constantly using Zoom/Teams/WebEx/BlueJeans/Google Meet (though video fatigue is now a thing) […]
I can’t believe it’s already the middle of June. More specifically, I can’t believe it’s already June 18, because that means LAVNCH WEEK 2.0 is only FOUR days away. You didn’t know there was a LAVNCH WEEK 2.0? Where ya been? This week, we’ve been previewing some of the great presenter content planned for LAVNCH […]
Laurie Englert is the VP of customer experience for Legrand | AV, and she’ll be delivering our keynote presentation on the much-anticipated ProAV Day of LAVNCH WEEK 2.0. I was excited to hear what Laurie was planning to discuss for her LAVNCH WEEK keynote; so to find out, I asked her my five burning questions. […]
Chuck Wilson is the executive director of the National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA), and he’ll be debating the future of commercial integration with Gary Kayye live on ProAV Day of LAVNCH WEEK 2.0. I wanted to hear what Chuck had planned for this LAVNCH & Learn session/debate, so I reached out to get a teaser […]
The schedule for InfoComm 2020 Connected, which starts today, is exciting and full. InfoComm 2020 Connected is this year’s virtual version of InfoComm — with products, education and networking, organizer AVIXA says; it’s being held the same week that InfoComm would have been held (June 16-18) in person this year. Here’s the breakdown of InfoComm […]
Jon Sidwick is vice chairman of the board for AVIXA, and he’ll be delivering our keynote presentation on UCC Day of LAVNCH WEEK 2.0. Up until May, he’d also spent the last 23 years of his career working for Maverick AV Solutions, a part of Tech Data. So, like you, I was curious; what’s he […]
David Danto is the director of emerging technology for the IMCCA, or The Interactive Multimedia and Collaborative Communications Alliance. David will be a speaker on UCC Day of LAVNCH WEEK 2.0 for our cleverly coined “LAVNCH & Learn.” I was excited to hear what he was planning to talk about (hint: how does UC&C drive […]
Last week, AVIXA (the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association) held an important and data-driven webinar based on consolidated findings from the past 12 weeks of its Impact Survey — a weekly assessment of proAV industry trends, attitudes and perceptions in light of the pandemic. The “COVID-19 Impacts to Pro AV Businesses Webinar,” available to AVIXA […]
Practically no one, and no community, has escaped the impact of COVID-19 on life and work. Underneath it all, we’re all just itching to know how long this will go on. On Thursday, T1V hosted a webinar to dig into these realities and tensions. To help, it enlisted one of the world’s leading physicians to […]
Like so many trade shows this year, broadcast mega-event NAB Show, originally planned for April in Las Vegas, could not happen due to COVID-19. In its place, NAB organized its virtual NAB Show Express. I registered and attended part of the online event to soak up some industry education and see what the showcase would […]
I had the pleasure of providing live coverage for the first-ever LAVNCH WEEK, an all-digital event put on by THE rAVe Agency in partnership with Zoom last week. After five full days of education sessions, product launches and thought-leadership, I wanted to write a wrap-up story of my favorite moments, broken down by vertical: ProAV, […]
End users in the AV industry are a unique group that should not be ignored, and last week’s End User Day of LAVNCH WEEK was specifically created for them and only them. The final session of LAVNCH WEEK End User Day — and of LAVNCH WEEK overall! — was our panel discussion. The panel, “Insider […]
During our live LAVNCH WEEK Tech Talk, Paul Richards of PTZOptics shared that, these last few months, “connected churches” are discovering just how large their communities really are. And once social distancing is relaxed, many houses of worship won’t be going back to the way things were in their AV systems. For bigger houses of […]
On Wednesday, I watched Zoom’s 45-minute “Get The Latest Product News From Zoom” webinar. When I received the lead, I figured it would be related to Zoom 5.0, the latest upgrade to Zoom and the result of its 90-day security-enhancement plan. Quick plug: Earlier on, this same day, rAVe held a one-on-one session with Zoom’s […]
One, in case you missed HoW Day for LAVNCH WEEK today and, two, in case you missed Steph Beckett’s videocast with Paul Richards here, here’s a THIRD chance for you to learn about how to stream for houses of worship, as told by Paul Richards. Because, here at rAVe, we like to give you thorough […]