Is SiliconCore About to Kick Everyone’s Ass in LED?


At ISE, I had a chance to get a behind-the-scenes, top-secret look at the new SiliconCore LISA technology. LISA is basically an LED video-wall material (modular, like all the others) where the electronics and board drivers use Chip On Board (COB) manufacturing technology. So, on one side of the PCB is the LED array and on the other are the processing and video chips as well as all the power electronics driving it.

No big deal?

WRONG. LISA is a big, big deal — and nearly every LED company I spoke to at ISE, the big mega-AV show held last month in Amsterdam, asked me my thought about it. In fact, I hadn’t even planned to go by the SiliconCore booth until I was asked about LISA for the fourth or fifth time in a matter of a few hours after the show opened the first day.

So, what is Chip On Board (COB) LED LISA?

LISA could be a disruptive technology in the LED display markets. The individual Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are directly bonded to the PCB — eliminating the use of traditional Surface Mount Diodes (SMDs) on the board — to make the module mechanically more rigid, increasing its durability. And, it’s all one board — not two separate boards inside a housing (like nearly every other LED company). LISA debuted at ISE in a 1.9-millimeter format. But, SiliconCore told me that they will have it down to 1.2 millimeters later this year and even smaller in 2018.

Here’s an EXCLUSIVE look at the actual PCB in my hand at the show — I snuck a photo! On one side you see the LEDs and on the other is the electronics — this is all one PCB (PC Board).

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And, although SiliconCore wouldn’t confirm this, at least three LED manufacturers told me they will be OEM’ing this from SiliconCore so you will see if from a plethora of companies.

So, the benefit?

Thin, thin LED displays that can be attached via magnets and/or Velcro — and not limited in size as this, in my hand in the photo above, is a PCB LED module. You can use it to build a display as large as you want or need! Oh, and they can be indoor or outdoor!
