New Atlona Velocity Is Cloud-Based AV System Control

Atlona_Velocity_Control_Screenshot-0117Atlona introduced Velocity today — basically it’s a cloud-based control system. Velocity is comprised of three elements: Velocity Control Suite, Velocity Control Gateway and Velocity Touch Panels.

The Velocity Control Suite is the cloud-based service to create and manage AV control projects by client, client sites, and specific locations such as rooms. An integrator accesses the Velocity Control Suite through a standard web browser and, of course, Atlanta claims configuration is fast and they also say that no compiling or device uploading is necessary and configurations can easily be duplicated across devices, rooms and sites.

The Velocity Control Gateway is a software-based control processor that resides on-site with the client’s AV systems. It is configured and managed remotely through the Velocity Control Suite. Atlona offers the Velocity Control Gateway as a server appliance that can interface with up to 500 devices. For enterprise-wide scalability, a software license of Velocity Control Gateway is also available for hosting on IT server infrastructure, with the capability to serve up to 5,000 devices.

Velocity Control Gateway features an IP-based system architecture that allows redundancy in facilities with two gateways in operation, one serving as the primary and the other as a backup.

For user interaction with AV systems, Atlona is launching Velocity Touch Panels in 5.5” and 8” screen sizes but also says the system allows easy BYOD integration with tablets, smartphones and laptops, as well as PC desktops and touch displays. Web-based GUIs are automatically generated by the Velocity Control Suite and accessible to the touch panels or BYOD user devices through the Velocity Control Gateway.

See related  Atlona Ships New 3x1 USB and HDMI Switcher

If you want to see all the hardware and software specs, go here.
