Audience Intros Au24 SX Interconnects, Loudspeaker, Phono and Digital Cables

au24sxspeaker-0116Audience announced the introduction of its new “top of the line” Au24 SX interconnects, loudspeaker, phono and digital cables. Au24 SX substantially exceeds the performance of Audience’s long-standing and acclaimed Au24 cable lines by the use of improved XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) dielectric material, higher-purity “six nines” copper, and by improvements to the cable geometry. The Au24 SX loudspeaker cables are of a heavier gauge than previous Au24 lines.

In comparison to the previous versions, the new SX cables are more relaxed yet more dynamic sonically and have a richer tonal palette. The RCA connectors are a new proprietary solder free design. The XLR interconnect is an entirely new true dedicated differential cable designed from the ground up solely for use in balanced circuits.

Audience Au24 SX cables, like all previous Au24 cables are low mass and low eddy current resistance designs using minimal jacketing materials. They retain music’s natural timing and timbre.

The new Audience Au24 SX cables and interconnects are currently available. A one-meter pair of Au24 SX cables with RCA terminations lists for $1,800 per pair.

Here are the details.
