When you look at certain individuals who have been influential in the audio visual industry, there are those who have contributed in numerous high level ways. Gary Hall is certainly one of those individuals who has made major contributions and continues to be held in high regard by many in the industry. Along with being […]
A question was posed to and answered by a well-known person in the videoconferencing and collaboration industry and here is what Simon Dudley, the Video Evangelist for Lifesize had to say to the following: How Will Demand for Video Conferencing Evolve in 2015? The demise of the cubicle – and the rise of open floor […]
An interesting thing happened on the way to doing this interview. I have known Alison Maxson, Press and PR Specialist for Barco for quite some time and talked to her a little while back about my proposed Convergent Tech series. In trying to come up with the proper interview subject, topic of conversation and content […]
After a successful run with the Disruptive Forces series, I had decided halfway through “The Leaders Speak” series that it was time to bring a close to it at the end of 2014 and create a new project-based series called Convergent Tech. The Convergent Tech Project was something I had begun considering a few months […]