Strange ReTales Wonder Twins

00329_00174When you work with the same people all day, every day, friendships and alliances are formed.

In retail AV, it was always important to have a solid relationship with your co-workers, if for no other reason than so that you could count on them to ring up your sales under your commission code when the customer comes back on your day off.

Oftentimes friendships are formed that are even stronger, or in some cases, weirder.

Andrew and I worked together in the HiFi department. Because we were both burly and shaven-headed, customers often got the two of us confused for the other. That led to Andrew cultivating a beard so people could tell us apart.

It also led to our co-workers calling us The Wonder Twins.

That was a mistake.

For those of you who didn’t grow up in the 70s and 80s, here’s a quick clip from the Super Friends cartoon:

On busy Sale days, when the caffeine had kicked in and we were high on the rush of closing deals, Andrew and I would bump knuckles and yell, “WONDER TWIN POWERS ACTIVATE!!!”

And then something silly like:

“Form of: a Sea Otter!”

“Form of: a baseball bat, MADE OF ICE!”


“Form of: a Marmoset!”

“Form of: an umbrella, MADE OF ICE!”

The rest of the day would proceed to become even more surreal, believe it or not.
