So, How Many People Attended InfoComm 2023; Why Do You Care???


InfoComm 2023 just wrapped and I just sat down to pen this post for our show daily – and decided to turn this into a blog! So, how was it? Honestly, I’d have to say one of the best shows ever. Kudos to the entire AVIXA team for the work in planning and executing InfoComm 2023; but I have one request of the AVIXA team before we head into the weekend?!? Please DO NOT release attendance numbers. As an industry, we have to get away from quantity and turn our attention to quality. I can’t tell you how many times I was asked, “What do you think attendance will be?” this week. And, you know, it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t Sure, we got to fill the aisles with classes and bathrooms at any said convention center, but quality needs to be abound. We need to focus on WHO is attending our shows rather than HOW MANY.

Our market is still an emerging tech market – it very well may stay that way for another dozen or so years. In fact, when it’s not an emerging tech, it becomes consumer technology found in Best Buy. We’re not a $200B market – heck, we’re not even a $100B market. Don’t believe the hype. We’re, maybe, a $75B market. Don’t get me wrong – that’s still big. But, we’re the top tier of tech—the fringe. And the number of customers and clients is certainly limited but the growth potential is huge.

That said, the lead’s quality is way more important than the quantity. And, no matter how many leads any one exhibitor got at InfoComm 2023, it will be a QUALITY lead.

That, I can guarantee you!

So, how was InfoComm 2023? Splendiferous!

Oh, and all our coverage of InfoComm 2023 is here (1500+ videos, 420+ show floor photos, 30+ podcasts and 300+ new product news stories):
