DLP BrilliantColor Shines at InfoComm
There was an impressive demo at the DLP booth and at some projector manufacturers’ booths at InfoComm, with projected images comparing a front projector using the new DLP BrilliantColor technology and an LCD projector. The side-by-side showed the DLP model displaying quite a few more colors than the LCD and it was particularly noticeable in the light blue range.
BrilliantColor uses up to six separate colors and because it is sealed, it has no filters that need changing – another benefit they touted during the show. Yes, BrilliantColor isn’t new, but what is new is the DDP2230 ASIC chip set with improved image processing, color performance and wider resolution options. Every DLP manufacturer on the show floor was boasting about their BrilliantColor projectors so you know DLP is really onto something. Again.
No doubt 3LCD will fight back at NSCA and we’ll be watching.
For more information, visit here.