Control4 Releases OS 2.4, Updates Controllers

control4-0413Control4 announced this week a new update to its operating system, along with enhancements to the company’s HC-800 and HC-250 Controllers.

With the launch of the new Control4 OS 2.4, Control4 delivers enhanced functionality for Control4 4Sight Service, enabling 3G/4G connectivity to the customer’s system via their iOS or Android mobile device.

Control4 OS 2.4 also delivers native support for TuneIn in the Control4 UI on HC-800 and HC-250 controllers, adding over 70,000 streaming Internet radio stations.

Finally, with OS 2.4, dealers can connect more easily to their customers’ smart home systems to troubleshoot or make system changes without being on-site, making it possible to provide more in-depth customer support without a truck roll.

Control4’s next-generation HC-800 and HC-250 Controllers include Control4 MyHome as well as in-home Intercom software capability. These additions, along with the new features of OS 2.4, deliver a whole lot of functionality — streaming Internet radio, mobile connectivity and remote access, whole-home communications capabilities — with every new system.

The HC-800 and HC-250 Controllers, with OS 2.4, MyHome and Intercom functionality, are available today for $1,500 and $750 U.S. / $1,725 and $865 INTL MSRP, respectively. The iOS MyHome apps are available for download to mobile devices immediately; the Android MyHome app will be available at the end of April. Control4 4Sight Service subscription, featuring Anywhere Access Mobile, is $100 U.S. / $115 INTL MSRP annually.

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