AVIXA and ANSI Release ‘Image System Contrast Ratio’ Standard

ansi avixa iscr

AVIXA just announced the release of its standard Image System Contrast Ratio (ISCR). This standard defines acceptable minimum contrast ratios for AV presentation systems relative to their stated purpose or application.

This standard replaces the PISCR standard published in 2011, which applied to projection only. As direct-view displays became more prevalent, AVIXA assembled a task group to assess the technological characteristics of direct-view displays to determine whether the differences in technologies would affect how image system contrast was assessed.

The task group concluded that the measurement used in the original PISCR standard was equally appropriate for direct-view displays. However, the addition of sequential (also called full on/off or inter-frame) testing was deemed necessary to accurately characterize the image system’s contrast for any technology. The organizations say “sequential testing enables AV professionals to effectively measure high-performance display technologies that can create high contrast ratios in a wider range of environments.”

The new ISCR standard is designed to facilitate informed decision-making for projector, screen and direct-view display selection relative to location and stated purpose. Additionally, the metrics (the contrast ratios) and classifications (the viewing categories) in this standard may be used to establish design criteria for new systems. Requirements of this standard apply to:

  • Planning and designing image system installations
  • Setting minimum and optimum contrast ratios relative to stated purposes
  • Testing and signing off on completed image system installations
  • Determining remedial solutions for a system not conforming with this standard or inadequate for the stated purpose.

The standard’s four contrast ratios are based on the following content viewing requirements:

  • Passive Viewing
  • Basic Decision Making
  • Analytical Decision Making
  • Full Motion Video
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Here is the standard:
