Vivitek Debuts NovoConnect Stage and Includes Meeting Management and Whiteboarding for All Participants
Vivitek announced NovoConnect Stage, a new software for collaboration that allows for one-click access to video conferencing and calendar applications. Integrated with Microsoft Windows – NovoConnect Stage also offers meeting participants a seamless gateway to its whiteboarding and wireless presentation capabilities. Offering support for both 16:9 and 21:9 aspect ratios, NovoConnect Stage includes a configurable interface, organizing video conferencing sessions via popular conferencing solutions — like Teams, Zoom and Meet. And, up to 64 participants can be connected simultaneously while two screens can be mirrored at 4K resolution. Screen sharing is facilitated via NovoConnect software and AirPlay.
Once participants have joined for a meeting, they can all useNovoConnect Stage’s whiteboard and annotation functionalities. The whiteboard tool bar offers functions ranging from page management to canvas zoom in/out, and the ability to annotate anything on the screen — including video, webpages and documents — so thoughts, concepts and plans can be discussed and visualised with ease.
The Session Manager automatically keeps track of whiteboard content, user-shared webpages and files. At any time during or after a meeting, users can easily share the meeting content via a QR code. NovoConnect Stage is integrated in all Windows-based NovoTouch and is available now.