Train AV Appointed as Training Partner for Nexmosphere in the United Kingdom

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Mike Lammas from Train AV and Ivo Wouters from Nexmosphere


Dorset-based Train AV has been nominated as the exclusive training partner for leading retail-tech development company Nexmosphere in the Netherlands. Nexmosphere, founded in 2016, boasts an international team of retail specialists, technology developers and “behind-the-screeners”, specializing in new sensors for retail market integration.

Train AV, launched in 2018 as a dedicated audio visual training company, will be covering the UK to provide training and commissioning on triggers and switches for digital signage. It will be the only company in UK qualified to train on

Nexmosphere’s range of award-winning retail tech products.

Nexmosphere’s founder Hubert van Doorne explains: “The industry is very much ready to adopt retail-proof sensor technologies that help to stay relevant and on-point. We currently see massive growth in interactive project specifications with our hardware platform that runs on professional players like BrightSign. Our aim is to offer many experience design possibilities.”

He added: “To execute these projects successfully, it’s important to understand how sensor-driven digital experiences are set-up and programmed in your signage device and software. TrainAV plays a very important role in empowering system integrators with this knowledge so they can confidently grow their business.”

Train AV founder Mike Lammas said “The digital signage sector is changing, customers are wanting their screens to be more interactive, more targeted and to have that wow factor. BrightSign’s interactive partner Nexmosphere are second to none in triggers and control.”

He added: “This contract is a proud addition to our expanding portfolio of clients and we can’t wait to get started. We’re delighted to work with Nexmosphere to provide end-user training and commissioning through this channel. There’s a shortage of this knowledge and working with Nexmosphere, we’ll be able to assist resellers in transforming digital signage into a truly engaging experience.”
