Technology and Time March On…

00265_00135Peter Shankman is a genius and a social media and marketing GIANT.  He’s also a great guy who curates and shares a lot of fabulous content online and shares with his network… in which I am lucky to be included.  He just read a great (okay, greatly depressing) posting on BuzzFeed by a guy named Matt Stopera called “48 Things That Will Make You Feel Old.”  The original post is located at and I highly recommend surfing over to check it out. If you are anything like me, you will vacillate wildly between “OMG! I remember THAT/HIM/HER!!” and “OMG… I am soooooo old! *le sigh*”

Still, it’s a great read and I felt #16 was particularly apropos for our industry.  It’s the picture of the techo-happenin’ guy shown with this blog, captioned, “30 years later, you can carry all of this in your pocket.”     Too true, though I would add, “and it’s all one device… smaller than a deck of cards… and holds WAY more movies, music and processing power than the entire picture combined!”   It’s a beautiful thing, in some ways, and it’s really depressing in others because it makes you feel REALLY old.  But maybe that’s just my looming high school reunion talking… and no. I won’t tell you how many years! 😛

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Dawn Meade, CTS – also known as AVDawn – is the Marketing and Media Coordinator for Net-AV in Hampstead, Maryland. She is an industry veteran with experience in integration, AV sales, and social media. You can find her on Twitter (@avdawn), on AVNation podcasts, on her AV tech blog (, and of course, here at rAVe as a staff writer and as part of the rAVe BlogSquad.
