Working As a Team It’s down to the wire. It’s going to take all hands on deck to save this install. We have to get it done — too much is on the line. Twelve hours of work today? Could be more. This one is going to take as long as it takes. Every integrator […]
When does selling audiovisual technology shift away from the outdated features and benefits sales model and transform into something entirely different? Something so radically divergent that it actually makes sense to an AV industry in transition? 2018’s technology stack is here with the answer: when vendors leverage the social, marketing and sales technologies to go […]
Productivity and engagement, collaboration, team cohesion – these are all topics that are important to a company’s success. These topics have come into focus as corporate enterprises look to adapt their culture to the ever-increasing millennial demographic. I’ve met with several Fortune 100 companies who understand that rigid company hierarchy, top-down management, and traditional meeting-driven culture […]
“Sign, sign everywhere a sign.” In 1970, the “5 Man Electrical Band” recorded a song that knocked “signs” for their “do this, don’t do that” tone. The song made The Billboard Top 100 charts (rating every song in popularity of times played by radio stations and singles purchased at record stores). That awesome rock song […]
We’ve been blown away at how much engagement we have with our readers via the various social media outlets we have. We get hundreds of messages from you EVERY DAY – even on weekends! And, before Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, we barely ever heard from you! And, it’s even more interesting at how segmented […]
There has not been a time in history when it has been simultaneously easier for any brand to reach far larger audiences than ever before and exceedingly more difficult to cut through the noise to share your message. The democratization of the Internet has been the single greatest advancement of the 21st century, but with […]
Engagement is the coin of the realm for marketing and communication. For shopper, patron, traveler, staff or students, it is a strategic, tactical and operational imperative. The alternative is hit-and-miss or opportunistic, luck-of-the-draw marketing. Engagement means that: Targeted audiences of people with buying or decision-making authority or significant influence are noticing the message. They are […]
The focus of this series “Power of Content” is to help people with content strategies and how they relate to digital screen media. Consumers today are more demanding and frustrated than ever with their in-store shopping experience. And evoking a positive reaction to motivate a shopper to buy a product in a retail store is […]
By Ron Bowers SVP, Business Development, Frank Mayer & Associates Six degrees of separation is the theory that any two individuals could be connected through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. It is popularly used to espouse the concept that we occupy a small world. We borrowed that concept for […]