In the fall of 2020, as I waited in the single line at my California grocery store (making sure to keep the federally recommended 6 feet of distance), a display on a makeshift stand showed a single number indicating which checker was available to help me. The line was long. As I waited, I had […]
Working in the experiential space, I hear one phrase all the time: “Wow” factor. Companies are looking for ways to create a wow factor to differentiate themselves from the competition and to get the attention of new talent and new customers. Wow factor is an important first step. In a world clamoring for your attention, […]
THIS IS A PROMOTED POST FROM MVIX By Lillyan Wamaitha Marketing Manager, Mvix In the past, clients would come to integrators knowing precisely what they wanted. They’d ask for specific monitor “A,” speaker “B” and microphone “C.” They knew what their creation was to be; they only needed an AV integrator for the hardware. Today, things […]
Presented by Todd Heberlein of Almo Professional AV at the 2019 E4 Experience Almo Business Development Manager and Digital Signage Expert, Todd Heberlein, will define and discuss the five stages of a digital signage deployment, outline potential challenges in the process, and provide keys to avoiding pitfalls in each of the five stages. View the […]
We’ve been covering, tracking and following the digital signage market for well over 10-years now. And, it’s gone from good, to great, to fantastic to incredible. In those 10+ years, there’s never been a negative sales year and, in most years, the digital signage market has enjoyed double-digit growth. It’s grown from a few giant […]
By Meghan Athavale CEO, Lumo Interactive Have you seen walls and floors that look like they’re coming to life, pulsating and casting shadows in ways that seem to defy the laws of physics? You’re probably seeing video mapping (AKA projection mapping) in action — a technique that uses carefully aimed light to make illusions. While […]
In early November, I had the opportunity to attend CCUMC in San Antonio. The city was amazing, the food was delicious and the conference was great. To read more about the conference and why you should attend (or exhibit) please see my other article in rAVe ED on the subject. In this column, I want […]
A Chinese company called LeEco (sort of a Netflix of China), just agreed to buy VIZIO for a little over $2 Billion. This is HUGE news as VIZIO is currently the second largest TV manufacturer in the world, behind Samsung, and they are one of the only profitable TV manufacturers in the world. The combined […]
How much is a 55″ touchscreen? If you take a look around online you’ll find everything from single and dual touch screens starting at about $2,000 and going to high end multi-touch units like those from MultiTaction at $20,000. Add a great mount, a PC or media player and installation and you might get up to […]
There has not been a time in history when it has been simultaneously easier for any brand to reach far larger audiences than ever before and exceedingly more difficult to cut through the noise to share your message. The democratization of the Internet has been the single greatest advancement of the 21st century, but with […]
InfoComm International just announced the debut of the Content Creation and Streaming Pavilion at InfoComm 2016, June 4-10 (exhibits June 8-10) at the Las Vegas Convention Center. For the first time at InfoComm, attendees will have the opportunity to go behind the scenes of a live event studio to see what it takes to produce […]
Like many people, I have many variations of television streaming at my fingertips in my house. I use Amazon Prime and Netflix for my content, but I need a delivery system to get that content onto my television. Hello, Roku! I previously used the Roku 3 to stream content to my projector in my living […]
We’ve all heard the saying that in a digital world, content is king. Some still stand by that saying and in the face of a never ending avalanche of content out there, others have started modifying it to include variations like relevant content is king or context is king. I don’t disagree with any of […]
By Kelly Eisel Marketing Copywriter, Industry Weapon This is the seventh installment of our monthly digital signage content design blog, written by our Content Creation Team, geared to help users create visually compelling content. Moving pictures have captivated audiences for over a century. Animation and video bring a special level of entertainment that appeases all […]
Hopping down from the church stage platform, iPad in hand, the church technical director sees one lighting fixture not quite overlapping the center point upstage position. He casually selects the fixture on his iPad and drags his finger while keeping his eye on the scalloped edges of the light moving slowly, stopping only when he […]
We all know how delicious a 7 layer dip can be. Salsa and beans alone are OK, but when they are combined with 5 other ingredients they become a mouth-watering extravaganza! (Yes, I have issues with food.) Adding layers is not only a good strategy for a party dip, but also for developing engaging, interactive content. However when […]
By Lyle Bunn Strategy Architect, BUNN Co. Digital signage hangs on one single word — “benefit” and it is content, the media presented on digital signage that delivers this benefit once the technology infrastructure is in place. The quality of content and the merit of investing in this has been an ongoing frustration for network […]
By Tanya Williams Business Development Manager, Prendi As digital integrators, we constantly have the challenge of educating clients in the booming Australian market about the benefits of digital signage and how this can have a positive impact on their bottom line. Once we get over this hurdle, the next issue we face is getting them […]
If you have been dealing with digital signage over the past decade, you are well versed in the idea that content is king. If that is the case, then why is it so darn hard to figure out good content? These questions were circling around my mind over the past few months as I got […]
In case you missed it, Amazon has joined the STB (set-top-box) brigade with its own Amazon Fire device, as part of its future digital content delivery plans. A quip from the online press release gives the big picture: “Amazon integrates the hardware, software, and the content into an easy-to-use, seamless, end-to-end service for customers,” and […]
Get ready for a new Apple TV device, perhaps this one with gesture hand controls from Apple’s fresh acquisition of Prime Sense (the company that brought you the Microsoft Kinect). You can be sure that a new device is in the offing as the media is busy screaming (yet again) headlines that Apple and Comcast […]
Everyone who’s ever been to CEDIA EXPO loves it. And, what’s not to love? It’s basically a big-boy toy fair. The biggest TVs debut at CEDIA. 3D debuted at CEDIA. 4K resolution TVs debuted at CEDIA. Wireless audio was first shown at CEDIA. Wireless HDMI — you guessed it: CEDIA. But, the HomeAV market, in […]
One great thing about having young children is that they keep you on top of all the latest technology trends. My son, CJ (10) became a wrestling fan last year. Every Monday and Friday night he is glued to the television watching the latest episode. And the company is truly a marketing and entertainment genius. […]
Available only in the U.S., Sony’s new Video Unlimited 4K streaming video service requires a 4K media player, dubbed the FMP-X1, that lists for $700. But the media player not only streams 4K movies and TV shows, but it also has 2 TB of storage — enough to store 100 hours of 4K content. Rental […]
The “Dynamic Media Digerati” who attended the 9th annual Digital Signage Expo held in Las Vegas March 5-9, 2012 agree that it offered the highest value yet in profiling and advancing Digital Signage use, project planning, project execution and operations. Pre-DSE events, 32 conference sessions, 170+ exhibits and the discussions among a record high 4000+ […]