Round Three is Over and A New Winner Emerges!

champion-0413Unless you have had your head in the sand over the past several weeks, you are aware of the dust up created by Crestron and their switcher “comparison.” If you are lucky enough to have had your head in the sand, catch up right now by reading my last blog.

OK, are you back?

Well, round three is now over and a new champion has been crowned. And the champion is…AMX. Huh? What? I don’t think I have ever written about AMX before. I thought they would let Extron and Crestron battle this one out, and stay on the sidelines.  In a way, they did.

Check out their response, sent to rAVe and its dealers:

I noticed three things with this press release and video.

First, they referenced my original blog post. That is pretty cool for me. I still can not believe I get to write my column and this blog. Now I am being mentioned by AMX. Sweet!

Second, they DON”T mention any other company by name. They simply refer to Competitor A and Competitor B.

Finally, they take exactly the right approach of: WHO CARES!!!?

I think this is really a brilliant marketing piece by AMX. I particularly like the “the only switch that matters is the switch to AMX from our competitors. Brilliant!
