Qobuz Streaming Added to Bryston BDP Music Players

Bryston has introduced native support for the Qobuz streaming music service as an available firmware update for Bryston’s BDP Music Players. Qobuz, the world’s first certified high-resolution (24-bit/up to 192 kHz) streaming service, enables users to stream uncompressed content from a library of well over 40 million tracks representing every imaginable style including jazz and classical music. Qobuz first became available to European consumers in 2007.

Qobuz makes 40-plus million tracks, including millions in high-resolution 24-bit, available to BDP users without the use of lossy compression schemes that impair the listening experience. Qobuz offers exclusive editorial content along with deep metadata, complete digital booklets, interactive articles, reviews and playlists all available to Bryston BDP users. After a thorough evaluation, Qobuz was notably impressed by the BDP-3 and bestowed upon it the company’s Qobuzissime Award.

Owners of Bryston BDP products—from the first BDP-1 to the current BDP-3 player—can take advantage of Qobuz compatibility by updating their firmware to the latest version and registering for Qobuz on their website.

Here are more details.
