Joel Price and Dave Hepplewhite Join AV Cloud Company Called Leading Cloud Solutions


Leading Cloud Solutions, a company that focuses on UCaaS, CCaaS, Cyber Security and other technologies, says it has relationships with hundreds of cloud solution providers and plans to offer consulting services on cloud management. Leading Cloud Solutions specializes in integration between platforms such as UCaaS and CRM systems. The xx-ScanSource senior management duo of Joel Price and Dave Hepplewhite announced they’re back together at the company last week.

Joel Price commented: “Some of the providers that we work with have seen a 30-fold increase in business following the first lockdown in March 2020; it is well documented that companies needed to act quickly to support a working from home model. We expect to see continued adoption of such cloud technologies due to their flexibility and affordability. A belief supported by Gartner, who reported that by 2023 more than 50% of large organizations will connect to cloud providers, up from 10% in 2019 and by 2024, 74% of new UC licenses purchased by organizations will be cloud-based.”

Dave Hepplewhite added: “Following research and feedback, we found that although the significant benefits that cloud technologies can bring to organizations are evident, there is an initial challenge for IT departments and leadership teams. That is one of the time and associated cost required to research, test and select the right technologies for their requirements given the 100s of options available in the fast-evolving Cloud market.

There can also be many potential integration scenarios with CCaas And UCaaS solutions into the multitude of existing CRM and ERP platforms where independent advice can be extremely useful. This is where Leading Cloud Solutions can add value.”
