I Get to Push the Button?!
Like billions of other people, a new year means a new start. For many people they wipe the slate clean and start again with various life goals. Many set resolutions for themselves and will adhere to their resolutions while many give it up after a couple of months. I don’t make resolutions for that reason, as I don’t like to fail or not take something seriously. However, I did make a resolution this year and that is to run more than I did in 2015. So far, I am on track to accomplish that.
Beyond resolutions, 2016 has brought a new opportunity to me. I am now hosting my own podcast for rAVe Publications, Tech Chaos. While I immensely enjoyed co-hosting AV Power Up! with the team and will miss it dearly, it was time for me to spread my wings and see if I can fly on my own.
This past weekend I recorded my first show. I purposely booked guests that I was familiar with so that I could focus on making sure I actually hit the record button, record the show, and then have a show to edit and post. I was super excited at the prospect of being the host, producer, and editor of my own show. So many opportunities for me to choke and mess up…is it weird that I like a challenge that can also make me fail? As I prepared to push the record button I was excited and nervous. I kept thinking about how awesome of an opportunity this is to prove to myself and others that I can successfully host a podcast on my own. I pressed the record button and started the show. I remembered to stop recording when we reached the end of our discussion. Afterwards I rejoiced and thought about how happy I was to have successfully recorded my first show. As I listened to the show to make any necessary edits, I was quite proud of myself. No, recording a podcast isn’t rocket science, but there is a certain joy to completing something for the first time. Certainly there are improvements to be made to the show, but it still isn’t a bad attempt for my first show.
The AV industry has been very receptive to me having my own podcast. I am humbled and pleased by the support I have received from friends in the industry. If you haven’t had the chance to listen to me talk with Jane Johnson, Chief Content Strategist at Pivot Communications, and Katye McGregor Bennett, Chief Strategist at KMB Communications, take a listen and let me know what you think. I will take all critique into consideration as I work towards making my podcast super awesome for everyone to appreciate!