Enterprise Connect 2022 Will Be the Hybrid, New Normal, Pivoting Trade Show of My Dreams
All those buzzwords got you to click, didn’t they? And they say clickbait doesn’t work anymore.
Let’s get to the point — our team will be at Enterprise Connect 2022 March 21-23 in Kissimmee, Florida. We’ll be on the show floor (at the Gaylord Hotel) doing what we do best: Creating a virtual video library of everything on the show floor. All that said, nothing quite beats the experience of a trade show — so here are the five main reasons you should join us next week in Kissimmee.
- If past attendance is any indication, this is THE show for all decision-makers to come together with vendors, analysts and consultants. With end-user-focused sessions and networking opportunities galore, this is a chance for everyone in the industry to come together: from end users to integrators to manufacturers.
- There are opportunities for AV and IT to interact together. Check the “us vs. them” attitude at the door, people! Although everyone has an opinion about whether or not AV should be considered IT and how that should be organized, this trade show signifies the cross-section of interests — the part of the Venn diagram where the two professions meet. This is an opportunity to work together: AWS, Barco, Spectrum Enterprise, AVer. They’re all on the same show floor and waiting for you to make a system that’s more than a sum of its parts.
- Get a “front row” seat for new tech. There are going to be chances for demos galore! Personally, I can’t wait to visit the Microsoft booth so I can get a first-hand look at the Microsoft Teams “Front Row” functionality — it’s updates like this that are going to really propel us in the right direction of hybrid meetings. That leads me to my next point.
- Learn more about how the hybrid workforce is going to affect us! There are so many manufacturers attending who are creating solutions for hybrid meetings. This is our reality now — let’s check out what options there are on the market and see how they work! Maybe, just maybe, you’ll find something that suits you, your clients/customers or your workplace.
- See me (and the rAVe team) on the show floor! There’s nothing like an in-person trade show, that’s for sure. If you’re attending the show, we’d love to meet you, network with you and even interview you! If you see us out there — be sure to stop and say hi! Let us know what products you’re loving on the show floor so we can make sure to give them coverage for the folks at home.
If that hasn’t convinced you, I don’t know what will. And by the way, if you aren’t able to make it this year, Enterprise Connect will have a virtual platform available with sessions, networking opportunities and virtual booths. And, of course, we will have our microsite — consistently refreshed with new content and our product video library; we’ll be sure to upload our product videos as quickly as we possibly can.
Keep an eye out for us! We’ll see you there! If you want to register to attend — the link is here.