CEDIA Expo 2022 Keynote: Navigating the Content Overload

keynote cedia expo 2022

How is anyone supposed to pick what to watch these days? When it comes to streaming services, the market is pretty much flooded. That was the subject of Greg Durkin’s keynote at CEDIA Expo 2022.

Durkin, founder and CEO of Guts + Data, recognized during his presentation the unique role that integrators play in helping navigate the maze of content we have to sort through these days.

“We’re all in this business because of unmet needs by consumers,” he said.

So what do consumers need? A good experience at movie theaters (which Durkin says are never ACTUALLY going to die — people will always crave going out to a movie every now and then) — things are looking a little bleak at the moment as Cineworld recently filed for bankruptcy.

But they also need great streaming content at home.

In Durkin’s (highly interactive via a polling system set forth by a QR code) presentation, he addressed questions about everything from how easy it is to find the right movie to watch to the most important factor in a streaming service. In terms of most important factor, the audience overwhelmingly answered, “quality of content.”

Which streaming services are the ones that are delivering? Take a look at some stats below.

keynote consumer rating content

Poor Peacock. Aside from the entire lineup of “The Office,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Real Housewives” and — at the moment — the “Twilight” saga, the content is just … not quite there. And as for Disney+, HBO Max and Netflix, the streaming services are not only great aggregators of content, but great creators of it too.

Durkin ended on the note of recommendations. Many of these streaming services that are otherwise great are failing in terms of giving consumers accurate and relevant recommendations for other content. Durkin explained that iMDb is one of the worst about this, when the database could potentially be great. (Even though it’s not a streaming service — but it is owned by Amazon.)

Why are they so bad? Because the services have to recommend the things that they are banking on you watching.

At the end of the day, people are continuing to stream — the services just need to keep up with good content at a “reasonable” price point to continue being successful. What do you think?

