CAST Offers Lighting Designers Simplicity with wysiwyg Perform and wysiwyg Design
For lighting designers looking to switch to wysiwyg lighting design and previsualization software for special projects, CAST Group announces the introduction of wysiwyg Design and Perform three and six months leases.
- wysiwyg Design: Created specifically for live events pros wanting to use an all-inclusive production design tool, wysiwyg Design Suite offers a customized 3D CAD application with complete equipment libraries for every shippable lighting product, realtime lighting design simulation, rendering engines and an integrated paperwork database. wysiwyg Design allows specifiers for the live event to explore the designs in a virtual environment and use the available tools to create lighting concepts and proposals
- wysiwyg Perform: wysiwyg Perform is an all inclusive end-to-end solution that offers an additional simulation component. Console, media server or compatible offline editor can communicate via protocols such as DMX, EDMX, Art-net, sACN, CITP, Motion Control Universes, Pangolin Laser System, Sollinger Laser Animation, StrandShowNet or SandNet can be connected to the computer and wysiwyg Perform, which will simulate the exact effect of the console or editor’s output in realtime.
Here are the specific details.