Glass-Media Helps Transform Retail Environments With Projection-Based Illuminations

Retailers today are tasked with creating engaging and entertaining shopping, as customers desire more memorable events and experiences. Many retailers have turned to experiential digital signage to provide interactive, dynamic and eye-catching moments that heighten shoppers’ experiences and ultimately drive an increase in sales. Lighter, smaller and brighter, laser projectors today are adapting and innovating with new technology to […]

Glass-Media Helps Transform Retail Environments With Projection-Based Illuminations

Glass-Media Launches New Offering Dubbed “Digital Activation as a Service”

Glass-Media launched a new Digital Activation as a Service (DAaaS) Wednesday, an offering designed to help create engaging storefront displays using digital signage. Glass-Media’s digital displays are said to be designed to bring more shoppers into the stores when consumer traffic is down. The displays serve to drive incremental foot traffic, build brand awareness and […]

Glass-Media Launches New Offering Dubbed “Digital Activation as a Service”