S14 Topics Will Address Industry’s Current Challenges

Commtecfeat_0821COMM-TEC’s S14 Solutions Day is a unique platform for AV systems integration and specialist retailers. COMM-TEC and VIVATEQ organize this event together with reputable manufacturers and partner companies. It’s targeted towards CEO, owners, sales people, project engineers and technicians of systems integrators, resellers and consultants.

The best part about S14 are the workshops and lectures about current topics which communicate specialized knowledge and present new technologies and trends. The topics were selected with regard to current requirements and the challanges faced by professionals in our field – the convergence of AV and IT.

Guest speakers from well-known manufacturers and system integrators as well as COMM-TEC’s own product specialists will address current topics regarding integration and installation of audio, video and control technology. Speakers include rAVe founder, Gary Kayye, as well as experts from Barco, BrightSign, MAP, Gefen, Wyrestorm, Mediasite, Vidyo and more.

Although the actual event starts on 30 September, COMM-TEC wants to invite you on September 29, from 18:00hrs to get together and interchange ideas.

Register today.
