Rental and Staging – Come home, all is forgiven….

Hey – welcome to rAVe’s new blog…

For the last few years, my function has been to be the “Rental and Staging Guy” in the rAVe crew.. to speak for the needs of the little corner of the industry that I love. Sometimes, to push it along with comments about how we’re different, arguing with Gary and other friends about product evaluations and the future of the industry, because although we are part of the AV industry, we work differently and have different needs in products and services. Like my friends in Quebec, we’re “distinct”, and see ourselves that way.

We’ve wandered away from the “mainstream” AV industry over the last couple of years, participating in different forums and associations, marching to a different drummer. Even within the larger trade associations, we separate ourselves, participating in interest groups, forums and training groups that cater to our particular interests. I’m particularly proud of the success of rAVe’s Rental and Staging edition, because it comes from within a powerful organization like rAVe that represents the WHOLE industry but sees the different parts of it as being distinct.

Let’s be different here. I’m excited about this blog, and plan on speaking up here a lot, because it’s a place for all of those industry groups to come together and DISCUSS those differences – but also because it represents a place for us to really see the things that make us the same…

