Rants and rAVes — Episode 772: The Podcast All About Gary’s Classroom at UNC and Why He Picked Nureva

The tables were turned in this podcast (sort-of hosted by Nureva’s own Adrian Doughty). Gary recently worked with the University of North Carolina’s AV and IT teams to build the ultimate collaborative classroom and in addition to picking a Nureva Wall for visual collaboration, UNC decided to use one of Nureva’s HDL300 over a plethora of distributed microphone options to capture the audio from everywhere in the 38’ x 32’ classroom. It’s all explained in Gary’s podcast, today — or, should we say Adrian’s podcast today. Listen and you’ll see what we mean. Maybe we should get rid of Gary (let him teach full-time) and hire Adrian?

Nureva will demo’ing both the Wall and the HDL300 at the annual EDUCAUSE educational-based show from Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2018, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver in booth 165.

