ProAV Manufacturers Launch Milan AVB-Based Network Protocol for Pro AV Interoperability
Today some manufacturers and leaders in the Pro AV market announced they are working together under the umbrella of Avnu Alliance on something they are calling Milan, a standards-based protocol for interoperable media networking in the Pro AV market.
Created by manufacturers AudioScience, Avid, Biamp, d&b audiotechnik, L-Acoustics, Luminex and Meyer Sound– Milan builds on the technical benefits of the IEEE Audio Video Bridging (AVB) open standards, such as time synchronization and guaranteed quality of service, as well as risk-free coexistence of control and media data on one network. Milan builds on these features, further defining device requirements at both the network and the application layer for compatible media streams, formats, media-clocking, redundancy and controller software. Milan certification will deliver fool-proof interoperability of deterministic networked pro AV devices.
Supporting all types of media, Milan is an open, deterministic network protocol, ensuring on-time delivery of audio, video and data, while co-existing with other Ethernet traffic without risk of dropouts or degradation of media. As a development extension managed openly by Avnu Alliance Pro AV segment members, work is in progress to deploy a new streamlined testing and certification program from Avnu Alliance to support this new network solution for implementation by Pro AV manufacturers.
All the details, so far, are here.