Palmer Digital Group Launches New Store Display Product Line

palmer digital group

Palmer Digital Group launched a new store display product line to help brick-and-mortar businesses draw consumer attention as people pass by their storefronts. Available immediately, the QSRWD55 is a front-facing window solution ideal for advertising monthly sales, limited-time offers and special items to nearby audiences. High-bright commercial displays built into the structure ensure that media content is visible from long distances and in most weather conditions to lure consumers inside retail stores and restaurants. Customers can select any 55-inch high-bright display, which Palmer Digital Group (PDG) builds into a structure that also includes simple yet creative design elements to meet height, power and data requirements.

The QSRWD55 offers fast assembly and installation to have businesses quickly go live with up-to-date messages. The structure includes four tubes that screw together at top and bottom to house and protect the display, with custom rod lengths based on ceiling heights. The same tubes act as raceways to support electrical and data connections, the latter of which can pull in dynamic digital signage content from a local media player or cloud-based content management system.

The QSRWD55 is shipped unassembled to reduce shipping costs but they say it is simple enough for local contractors or store personnel to manage. The QSRWD55 is available in black, white and red colors, with custom colors available to meet specific business branding requirements. PDG expects to add 65- and 75-inch versions based on the early success of the QSRWD55.
