K-array surprises 100 pastors in Germany
It’s been 25 years since the Berlin Wall fell, which has made a considerable impression on the Christian community and churches in the local area. At the ‘National Conference Network City Church Project’ in May 2014, 100 pastors from a variety of churches throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland came together discuss the future of the Churches presence in the local community. It was an important event, one which required complete focus on the key topics discussed, which is why choosing the perfect audio solution was key to the success.
The meeting took place in the beautiful, historic city of Potsdam, Germany, once home to Prussian kings until 1918 and one of the worlds largest heritage sites in the country at the tranquil Friedenskirche (Church of Peace). This set up in particular, required an audio flexible solution specifically for the transformation between the discussions and the piano concerto that followed closely after.
Gutfilm confidently embraced the challenge and managed the audio, visual engineering for the day choosing TRIUS Audio as their audio supplier. Gutfilm looked no further than the K-array technology for the day with the KR202 systems as the ideal solution. “The challenge was the tight turn around times between the conference set up to the Piano concerto show. We needed to find a system that is fast but still sounds great. K-array answered our problems with ease” commented Gutfilm’s Olaf Gutowski. Olaf continued “The one thing we didn’t expect was the attention the speakers received. Astonishing looks and curious questions by the attendees about the high speech intelligibility and sufficient power reserves.” “During the subsequent sound checks, the pianist and pastors were worried that the PA system would not be set up in time however, they did not realise the KR202s were in fact the complete PA package. The compact designs had surprised everyone”.
The KR202 systems have an incredible adjustability which guarantees optimal directional coverage onto the audience without the issues of reflection from walls and ceilings and in this particular venue the Gutfilm team required an intelligent audio system to cope with the challenging shapes and space. Attached to the KMT18 active subwoofer, Gutfilm positioned two loudspeaker columns side by side on each unit, which were placed at the front of the room, facing the audience from either side. This set up created front and side fill and side coverage.
In a letter written to the team from the ‘National Conference Network City Church Project’ they wrote, “Thank you for the smooth running of the event and introducing us to an incredible new sound.”
We enjoy surprising others through practical solutions. It inspires us to be more and more innovative.
“The challenge was the tight turn around times between the conference set up to the Piano concerto show. We needed to find a system that is fast but still sounds great. K-array answered our problems with ease.“
Olaf Gutowksi, Gutfilm, Germany