Fictional Hero
Fictional characters don’t make mistakes that they can’t overcome. Real people do. Fictional characters don’t have secrets. Real people do. Fictional characters don’t have traits that we don’t know about that suddenly come out to the public. Real people do. And unfortunately, this “real people” aspect often causes us to feel defrauded as fans of those real people we might idolize.
By fictional characters, I am referring to anyone from Mickey Mouse to Sherlock Holmes, Batman, Harry Potter and MacGyver. Some trait or storyline likely immediately pops into your head with each character mentioned. It is this fact that allows a fictional character the ability to transcend humanity.
Everyone has role models, people that inspire us, those we look up to – whether they are someone that we know personally or just someone that we find inspirational. Whether they are someone real or even a fictional character.
In fact, you should have at least one fictional character that we aspire to be more like, one that you would define as inspirational to you. Fictional characters are more defined, typically have more exaggerated features, and probably have a finite story. This concluded story creates boundaries that allow us to focus on a few instances or features of that character rather than getting lost in the flaws of real characters. Fictional characters likely don’t have to deal with the long-term consequences of their decisions and can thus be more adventurous and courageous in their short-term story.
Are you looking for some inspiration in the coming year? Maybe you should find a fictional character to model your life more closely after. Next blog, I will tell you what fictional character I’ve chosen to use as inspiration in my life. I’d love to hear who you choose.