AV Power Up! – Episode 70: What’s to Talk About this Week? That’s Right – #CEDIA16

AVPowerUp_750x400Join the Crew: Host Katye McGregor Bennett (yes, you read that right!), Corey Moss and Justin Watts as they welcome their guests:

Vincent Bruno – CEO at CEDIA

Joey Kolchinsky – Founder, Managing Director at OneVision Resources

Yes, for the first time in 2016, the host mic has been turned over to our CEDIA Crew member Katye McGregor Bennett to host this show (giving Corey, and the listeners that much needed break) as the home technology industry approaches CEDIA 2016 this month in Dallas, TX. This one begins the discussion which will continue on other episodes this month.

We begin talking with Vin and Joey about the home technology industry and the mass potential that exists there now. Joey touches on technologies beyond home tech as well, including discussing IT, which can potentially enable the integrator to become more of a technology manager. Vin also speaks about convergence, however it’s more of a focus shift perspective rather than a merging of technologies (with the /). Joey also talks about the “Internet of Broken Things” – a discussion well worth hearing. Vin talks about Shelly Palmer’s keynote, where Palmer will explore how the most effective home technology professionals are managing change and how all CEDIA 2016 attendees can position their businesses to successfully compete in a connected world. There’s also discussion here of not leaving money on the table. Anyone out there still trying to find ways to explore the massive potential opportunities that present themselves? Joey adds in well to this one.

Justin gives us the Power Up on that particular discussion of market opportunities, which extends to great discussion with Vin and the others, and then in the second half we talk about a panel discussion taking place at the show “A Blueprint for Success: Former System Integrators Collaborate to Simplify Your World” (Thursday 9/15 at 8 AM) where those in attendance will join a group of former Home Technology Professionals (including Joey) for breakfast to ask questions, share thoughts, and learn about their plans to create a seamless and effective blueprint for success. An excellent conversation that all in the industry, in residential and commercial should listen to.

Find more information on CEDIA 2016, Sept. 13-17 in Dallas, TX here.

What else is there to talk about? Trust us, talking CEDIA 2016 fills this hour-long conversation. So sit back, plug in and…

CEDIA Think Big

Power Up!
