An Unbiased Explanation of AV-over-IP | Updated March 2019
Presented by Gary Kayye of THE rAVe Agency at the 2019 Almo Professional AV E4 Experience
Nearly everyone out there is misleading you about AV-over-IP. It’s not easy, it’s not lossless compression and it’s not going to happen overnight. But, it IS the future of AV signal distribution.
There is no standard that everyone has adopted for sending AV signals (video, audio, control and power) over the network – there are multiple ways of doing it and none of the different options are interoperable. So, buyer and adopter beware.
Gary Kayye’s latest keynote will help guide the future of AV-Over-IP as not only is he a respected AV technologist, but he’s help set the standards in signal routing before. So, both the manufacturers and the integrators will be listening to his opinions on this and which AV-Over-IP “standard” he likes best.
View presentation below or click here.