The Perception Problem: 4 Reasons Digital Environments May Never Be Perceived as Real

My role as an Experience Design Professional often intersects with my passions for biology, neuroscience and human behavior, and for good reason. To truly create a transportive experience, you need to immerse someone completely in a new world, making them forget that they’re in an alternate reality. I’ve often reflected on the challenges of a […]

The Perception Problem: 4 Reasons Digital Environments May Never Be Perceived as Real

InfoComm Survival Guide- Know These 3 Deceiving Specs

It is May 2022 and we are about 1 month away from #Infocomm22 in Las Vegas. I’m excited to see the show back in a big way, and I know there is a lot of pent up excitement for a return to glory. With that, there will be a lot of manufacturers on the floor […]

InfoComm Survival Guide- Know These 3 Deceiving Specs

Old Dog, New Tricks: What I’ve Learned About dvLED

By Brian Rhatigan Exertis Almo One thing that keeps me interested in my career is that our industry is ever-evolving as technologies are introduced and evolve over time. After 17 years of working in the world of ProAV distribution, I never stop learning new things. Most recently, I was tasked with learning about dvLED to […]

Old Dog, New Tricks: What I’ve Learned About dvLED

A Worthy New Year’s Resolution

At the turn of every year, I often think of blogging about the big stories or products of the past year, or the promising products of the coming year. I have never written about my resolution for the new year, as they are often personal and not business- or AV-related. However, this year is different. […]

A Worthy New Year’s Resolution

Using 4K to Make a Better UCC Room (But Not Because of Resolution)

Everyone who’s anyone in AV knows that 4K provides four times the resolution of 1080p. 1920×1080, commonly referred to as ‘Full HD’ was the industry’s high-resolution display platform for over a decade and has recently been usurped by 4K — which in ProAV-land is known as UHD, or 3840×2160 (or in DCI-world, 4096×2160) is, in […]

Using 4K to Make a Better UCC Room (But Not Because of Resolution)

Resolution: The Wrong Spec

I was talking to a friend and industry colleague the other day who was a little frustrated with the way a recent project had gone. The AV design included a large 1.9 mm dot pitch direct view LED screen in a large presentation space.  Based on viewing distances from the seated positions in the room, […]

Resolution: The Wrong Spec

Beware: 4K Capable and 4K Native Resolution Aren’t the Same Thing

Among the plethora of deceptive (intentional or not) 4K specs being thrown into the market, there is one that should be obvious to all of you out there in AV-land, but may not be — so here you go. There are all sorts of 4K resolution displays appearing in the marketplace, finally! After a year […]

Beware: 4K Capable and 4K Native Resolution Aren’t the Same Thing

Distance, Resolution, and the Human Eye: An Exercise in Specifying the Right Display

I am amazed at how much traction my last post on 4k vs UHD stimulated.  I have had some great discussions on my arguments in the comments, on LinkedIn, and via email.  They included compliments as well as constructive criticism or some clarifications on some of the finer details.  I love that interaction with readers, especially […]

Distance, Resolution, and the Human Eye: An Exercise in Specifying the Right Display

5120 Is Not 4K and 4K Is Not UHD

After my last piece on 4K and UHD and the infrastructure challenges we face in order to implement it in its best form, I honestly thought I’d be done with the topic for a while. After all, the most recent piece I wrote on 4K before that was in May 2013, almost a year prior. […]

5120 Is Not 4K and 4K Is Not UHD