Written By: Kate Couch Sustainability was at the top of the global agenda before the pandemic in 2020. But this thought was put to the wayside as disposable wipes, masks and gloves now litter our sidewalks. With governments having bigger fish to fry, will the fight for sustainability come back? Though maybe not just yet, […]
What does AV look like in other developed countries? Written By: Kate Couch for AV Bend It’s easy to forget that many of the amenities and services we have in the U.S. are also available in other countries. Just because they speak a different language than us or have different customs doesn’t mean they’re not […]
Written By: Kate Couch and Tony Sprando In 2019, Fox News reported the following: “Ajay Bhatt, who led the intel team that created the Universal Serial Bus [USB], told NPR the design of USB ports used to plug in devices such as keyboards, mice, printers and thumb drives is a bit annoying. Frustrated users have […]
Health and wellness is a booming industry but does it involve audio and visual? Written By: Kate Couch The health and wellness industry is a much bigger industry than most people realize. In fact, according to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness economy is currently valued at 4.5 trillion dollars and represents 5.3% of […]
What AV systems can be put away? Written By: Kate Couch and Tony Sprando Design over function is often an argued topic amongst the design community. We think that these things are in lieu of the other, but that isn’t always the case. In many circumstances, the ability to get maximum function and purpose out […]
Photo by: Kate Couch with Canva Written By: Tony Sprando and Kate Couch What we believe and what we feel about a situation has strong ties. This usually circulates around the values we attach to something. When you reach for an apple in the grocery store, you hesitate and hover for a moment to […]
What is digital marketing and how does one take advantage of it? By: Kate Couch Digital marketing focuses on video and virtual marketing. This digital focus centers on video advertisements or video placement on websites. It can also refer to virtual advertisements, gifs and other animations. Digital marketing is very prevalent for businesses in the […]
By Kate Couch How will smart devices be used in the corporate world in years and months to come? Last year, the corporate office took a large turn as many of us had to begin working remotely from home. This created an entirely new world for audiovisual — Zoom. Zoom, as most companies are aware, […]
Written By: Kate Couch and Tony Sprando Whether you’re new to the audiovisual world or an old pro, a glossary of words to help you understand what we’re referencing in our articles and communications with you is a helpful tool. Below is some common audiovisual lingo with its proper definitions. It’s broken up into different […]
Image and Graphics By: Kate Couch with Canva When cleaning out spaces and redesigning how to decided what AV systems to reuse and what ones need new life. Written By: Kate Couch and Tony Sprando With spring just around the corner and the days becoming more consistently in the 50s it’s time […]
By: Tony Sprando and Kate Couch Like many other people, I enjoy listening to (somewhat loud) music while I work. I can zone out of the background noise and get to the important stuff. I have noticed something recently that it is a shared interest, as I also hear others’ loud music while I work. […]
Photo By: Robert H. Pexels.com Solving problems of outdoor electronic screens and touch screens. Written By: Kate Couch with collaboration with Tony Sprando Outdoor TVs, touch screens, and monitors are nothing new. They’ve been used for decades to display things like game scores, travel plans, city maps, advertisements, bus and train routes, and general outdoor […]
By: Kate Couch Solving audio problems in commercial buildings with multiple uses. In last week’s article, we focused on solving audio problems in a residential home. However, AV Bend works primarily with commercial buildings. Though there are a lot of the same principles, working and solving commercial problems looks drastically different than solving problems in […]