QSC has announced the addition of column surface-mount loudspeakers to its AcousticDesign (AD) Series. This premium line extension, which will debut at InfoComm 2017, are designed for a wide variety of foreground and background applications and solves reverberant issues in high-ceiling spaces. The new AD-S802T has eight 2.5” vertically oriented drivers while the AD-S162T has sixteen 2.5” vertically oriented drivers; both are high quality, 70/100V or […]
QSC just launched two new pendant mount loudspeakers as part of their AcousticDesign Series. The new QSC AcousticDesign Series pendant loudspeakers (AD-P) utilize the same design philosophy as the recently launched ceiling models (AD-C). Directivity Matched Transition (DMT) has been implemented across platforms for surface, ceiling, and now pendant applications. QSC’s Intrinsic Correction (QSC’s custom […]
A couple of weeks ago, I walked the floor of ISE in Amsterdam. I came across many interesting products and solutions that I am excited to integrate into my company’s offerings. One of the products that caught my eye was the AcousticDesign series of loudspeakers and ceiling speakers by QSC. I have used QSC products […]