Salamander Designs Displays UCC-Based Arc Table for Enhanced Hybrid Meetings at InfoComm 2023

SalamanderArcTable incSalamander Designs is here at InfoComm with a new UCC-based Arc Table system, a modular conference table option specifically made for hybrid UCC-based meetings. The Arc Table enables every participant clear visibility and fosters inclusivity, whether locally or remotely located, as everyone has a clear view of the screen. Instead of seating participants at a rectangular conference table facing each other, the Arc Table arranges seating in a semicircle (think: the old telepresence solutions from Cisco), allowing all members to see each other and face and interact with the monitor or multiple monitors placed in front of the table. All participants are about the same distance from the camera and gain equal sense of presence. Each Arc Table segment accommodates two users. Typical configurations are 4 to 10 users. As with all Salamander Designs enterprise furniture, additional customized options are available to meet the business and space needs.

The Arc Table design includes enclosed wire-loom cable management housing with a large capacity and hides cables extending up the table leg from the floor to an under-table raceway large enough to accommodate cabling and small power strips. All cables and user privacy are concealed by a slate gray acoustic modesty panel that also provides unique sound absorption qualities. Each table section includes a Qi wireless charging location. Additional charging and connectivity options are also available on each table section.

Arc Tabletops are available in multiple materials and finishes. Salamander’s quick-ship selection provides an optimal meeting experience by offering smooth, ultra-matte laminate that is soft to the touch, fingerprint resistant and low glare in neutral colors, optimized for the best possible camera performance, and fosters the lowest glare. Other finish options and several standard and custom selections in various materials are available for immediate shipment. The tapered solid wood table legs are available in Natural Oak for Black Oak finishes.
