Data-Tronix Announces a Commercial 20 Amp Dual USB Wall Plate Charging Station

phpxo8murAMLas Vegas, NV – InfoComm Booth #N1462 & Ft. Worth, TX – Electronic Security Expo (ESX) Booth# 823 – 20A Dual USB Charging Station Wall Plate – DATA-TRONIX, of the NACE BRANDS family of products, announced immediate availability of its 20 amp dual USB charging wall plate at the InfoComm events in Las Vegas, NV & the ESX show in Ft. Worth, TX today. This charging station can be easily and expediently installed at any standard 20A electrical outlet without the hassle of re-wiring. Once installed, this unit allows simultaneous charging of two USB devices such as smartphones, tablets, iPods, cameras, and more.

Fulfills a genuine need
DATA-TRONIX Director of Sales, Kirk Davies explains, “In order to stay competitive in commercial markets such as the lodging industry, there is a need to constantly update amenities to increase customer satisfaction and comfort. Davies continues, “Our USB wall plate charging station adds value and convenience to any property by providing two USB charging ports to a standard wall socket without using the available outlets.” Tech Operations Manager, Jimmy Martinson, cites safety as another reason for the development of the Dual USB Charging Wall Plate, “Electronic devices have become ubiquitous to the point where device owners often have overcrowded sockets, power strips, and outlet ‘tees’, and so forth. Each USB wall plate frees two electrical sockets for other uses, and reduces overloading power sources.” Martinson continues, “We designed this solution to easily, affordably, and permanently fulfill a specific need.”

Safety First
The USB Wall Plate is designed for the easiest installation possible. No wiring is needed – The unit simply installs in place of an existing 20A wall plate, and makes its own connections to the electrical terminations on the side of the outlet. There is no need for installer to touch any of the 120 volt wiring at the wall socket.
