Focus on Acoustics: Creating Authentic Workplaces
By Steven J. Thorburn, PE, CTS-D, CTS-I
Thorburn Associates
During a recent presentation on market trends, the presenters talked extensively about the changing needs within corporate environments and the trend towards creating “authentic” workplaces. The goal is to see the “bones” of the building: exposed brick or concrete walls, high ceilings with pipes and mechanical systems exposed to view, hardwood or concrete floors, low or non-existent partitions between offices… you get the idea.
The challenge we run into is creating workable environments within this type of space. Speech privacy and lack of productivity due to distractions from other workers is in direct opposition to collaborative interaction between team members. However, balance can be achieved! We experimented with our own offices in North Carolina. We started with an existing space filled with floor to ceiling partitions, drop acoustical tile ceiling and private perimeter offices. Then we removed many of the walls; removed the doors and added light portals in the existing perimeter offices; nixed the acoustical tile ceiling; and boxed in the HVAC equipment. Low office partitions with open light panels helped provide daylight and views while adding speech privacy and storage for each work space. The addition of a sound masking systems and sound absorptive panels hung in the ceiling grid added to the acoustical environment without detracting from the open feeling.
Our recent article starting on page 31 in the May 2013 issue of School Planning and Management talks about these issues in more depth. See the article here.
Steve enjoys helping others understand the principals of acoustics and audiovisual technology almost as much as he enjoys sipping a good single malt scotch. He’s been InfoComm’s Educator of the Year, is a two-time InfoComm Facility Design Award Winner, author, teacher and has AV design experience on more than 2000 projects including Universal Studios Toon Lagoon, Hershey Park and Six Flags Great America. Find his company Thorburn Associates online at