Blackmagic Design Announces New Family of Control Panels

blackmagic family panels switcher

Blackmagic Design announced the all-new ATEM 2 M/E Advanced Panel and the ATEM 4 M/E Advanced Panel Friday. They’re a new family of control panels designed to work with all ATEM switchers. The ATEM Advanced Panels are large enough, so the user has dedicated controls for the largest ATEM switchers. Features included up to four M/Es, up to 24 separate LCDs for custom button labels, four separate system control LCDs and four T‑bar fader controls. The new panel design allows both desktop use or inset mounting for a flat control surface.

ATEM Advanced Panels are available immediately from Blackmagic Design resellers worldwide from $5,995.

ATEM Advanced Panels open up the power of their ATEM Constellation because they give customers control to set up more complex effects. Customers have physical broadcast quality buttons, knobs and a T-bar fader so customers can access all features in the switcher, all at the same time.

The 1 M/E model features a single M/E row with 10 input buttons and one system control LCD screen. Although it’s a 1 M/E panel, customers can control all M/Es in larger switchers. The input buttons feature user customizable colors and button label LCDs. There’s also a joystick for the DVE and a T‑bar fader.

The 2 M/E model features two M/E rows with 20 input buttons and two independent-system-control LCDs for each row. Plus, each row can control up to four M/Es in larger switchers. Both rows and all input buttons include LCDs for custom labeling. Each row also includes an independent select bus.

The 4 M/E model is big enough to match the features on the ATEM Constellation switcher. It features four M/E rows with 40 input buttons per row and four independent-system-control LCDs for each row. This panel includes 24 LCDs for custom labeling of every button on every row.

ATEM Constellation has been designed to give customers the most advanced live switching workflow. Internally, ATEM Constellation has separate program and preview buses that customers can use to switch sources. ATEM Constellation lets customers see their preview bus selection using an aux output or on the multiview. Then all customers need to do is make selections on the preview bus of the advanced panel, which will appear on their preview screen, allowing customers to see their source before it goes on air. Then customers can bring the source online by pressing cut or auto. Customers can also switch sources on the program bus if customers need them to go live immediately.

When selecting transition types, a system control LCD screen will display the options for that transition, so customers can change its parameters without navigating through complex menus. It’s all instantly available. That gives customers multiple ways to switch. Customers can even cut directly on the program bus.

Standard SMPTE wipes are included, and wipes can have edge softening for smooth transitions. Dip transitions create a dip to color effect; however, because customers can dip to any video source, customers could create innovative effects. DVE transitions use the DVE to create crazy moves where the whole foreground image moves. The T-bar fader even lets customers manually position the transition for total control.

Power up their wipe transitions by accessing parameters to transform them into exciting effects. While customers can select the wipe pattern directly on the LCD, customers can also add other customization to suit their production style. Customers can even use the dedicated joystick to set precise wipe pattern positioning.

ATEM Advanced Panels can position the DVE for custom picture-in-picture effects because they include a joystick. Customers can also use the soft knobs and menus on the LCD to adjust the DVE position, size and other DVE features such as lighting and drop shadow effects. The DVE can be set up to fly graphics into frame or select any preprogrammed push and squeeze transitions.

Move elements around the screen using the joystick. With full three-Axis control, customers can adjust X, Y and Z positions of wipe patterns and position the ATEM Constellation DVEs. The joystick control with the DVE is ideal to position live video over video. Scale the size, position up down or left and right for a picture-in-picture effect. Customers can also use the joystick to move the DVE and enter start and end keyframe screen positions for their own customized animated DVE moves.

Each system control LCD has a direct-access keypad with a button for each function, and LCD and soft knobs and buttons. There are hundreds of switcher parameters available for keyers, transition selection, DVE, color generators, and switcher video standard, multiview setup and input button remapping. Customers can even save and recall 10 individual panel setups and store them in the panel. The 2 M/E model has two totally independent-system-control menus, while the 4 M/E model has four large independent-system-control LCDs.

The ATEM Advanced Panel also has built-in macros, and customers can record their own custom macros and trigger them to play back with the push of a button. This means that customers don’t need to use a computer to work with macros because customers can trigger them from the same hardware panel customers are switching from. Customers can set up different macros to trigger under each macro button, and the thin strip LCD under the buttons will show customers which button as which macro customers have assigned.

ATEM Advanced Panels Features

  • Features traditional broadcast workflow.
  • 2 M/E model is powerful while remaining portable.
  • 4 M/E model includes all the features for large switchers.
  • Up to 40 separate input buttons with custom labels and colors.
  • Transition control for quickly selecting transition styles.
  • Quickly select wipe styles from the system control LCD’s.
  • Supports DVE transitions and positioning with joystick.
  • Includes fader bar for manual control of transitions.
  • Includes a separate system control LCD for each M/E row.
  • Supports direct trigger of macros on each select bus.

Here are all the specs:
