AV Glue Episode 4: Murideo PRISMA

AVGlue_750x400This time on AV Glue, we feature a little-known company called Murideo. Murideo (a division of the AVPro Company) was created out of the need to bring fix-it tools to the integration market focusing on high-quality images.  Their product, PRISMA, is a box that allows you to watch everything in HDR on any HDR TV. Don’t know hat HDR is? What HDR does to a movie is to take advantage of new technologies being developed in TVs to get closer to reproducing content that we – humans – see in nature (expanded color gamut), and improves and enhances contrast ratio – specifically targeting human rod receptors ability to discern and enjoy deep blacks in movies like The Dark Night and Gladiator and enhanced luminance (brightness) in movies like Jurassic Park and Your Breaking Point when panning to a shot of the sun or late night lighting scenes that give extra pop and sensation to the movie.

Listen to today’s AV Glue to understand how PRISMA works. 
