David Danto

David Danto

David Danto has had over four decades of delivering successful business outcomes in media and collaboration technology. He has developed and executed global technology strategies in leadership roles with multiple firms and been honored by many industry organizations. Today he is the IMCCA’s Director of Emerging Technology, hosts podcasts for AVNation-TV and is the editor of Commercial Integrator’s Collaboration Today and Tomorrow. His full bio and articles/podcasts are viewable at Danto.info

Making Connections to the Future: Understanding Emerging Tech Is Important

There was a fascinating, science-based television program on television in the late 1970s. British scientist, historian, and journalist James Burke created a program called “Connections” that explored how one era’s technology led to the next and then the next, and eventually to the modern technologies that we lived with during the ‘70s. For example, his summary episode explained that […]

Making Connections to the Future: Understanding Emerging Tech Is Important

Learning From the Past

Way back in my high school social studies class, we had a number of lessons that hammered home one of the key reasons for being in school. It was something like, “Learn from the past so we don’t make the same mistakes.” I’m not quite sure when the history repeats itself stuff stopped being taught […]

Learning From the Past