Symetrix Composer v5.1 Claims Faster Programming and Control

SYM-Composer51-0516Symetrix has released the latest version of programming software for Edge, Radius and Prism DSPs. In addition to DSP design, Composer v5.1 for Windows natively configures the setup and routing of Symetrix Dante I/O expanders, along with select third-party Dante devices. With Composer, integrators can program a complete end-to-end DSP signal path using just one application.

Composer v5.1 features an assortment of new DSP and workflow enhancements. Major upgrades to the AEC set-up screen deliver faster and more efficient diagnostics and troubleshooting. On the DSP side, AEC double-talk performance and comfort-noise quality have been significantly improved upon. A 20% increase in tail length, now 300ms, facilitates the algorithm’s adaptation performance in larger, more reverberant acoustic spaces. Flex EQ modules have been expanded to support up to 32 bands, increasing usability especially when cleaning up regeneration due to room modes.

Not surprisingly, much of v5.1 focuses on Dante. There’s expanded Composer native support for select third-party devices, notably, the addition of Ashly. Along with faster and easier editing of Dante channel names, Composer’s Dante Flow Manager and site file reports now consolidate information on transmit and receive channels, providing a complete view of Dante utilization in a single report.

With 5.1’s addition of embedded server audio metering and diagnostics support for all Radius, Prism, and Edge DSPs, integrators can troubleshoot any Composer-designed system by simply launching a web browser and entering a specific unit’s IP address.

Information is more centralized and accessible in Composer v5.1. An All Controls tab makes the Remote Control Manager a true central hub for all aspects of control in the system by listing every parameter in the site file; filtering options make locating and assigning a particular parameter quick and easy. ARCs and Remote Control Numbers have been split into their own tabs, providing more space to show longer lists of ARCs and controller numbers.

Symetrix Composer v5.1 is available for download immediately here.
