Light Emitting Delight

LED display wall manufacturers are always present at InfoComm, but I saw a few demos that really showed off the quality of the product and also were an entertaining draw to the booth from some of the lesser known contenders.

blog-velvetOne of the most newest examples of impressive specs and visual performance is Christie’s new Velvet line of LED panels. With brightness at 1000 Nits, 2.5mm Pixel Pitch and HDCP compliant inputs, it’s an impressive looking wall. The other huge improvement super dense LED walls came from Silicon Core’s 1.5mm Touchscreen Magnolia Wall.  These kinds of images really make you think that there might be eventually applications for gigantic in-home LED walls. Engadget seems to think so with coverage of this commercial LED wall from Titan.  Although, I’m going to take a minuet to call Engadget out for not pointing out that this is clearly a commercial LED wall, and not in the same space as the 150+ inch plasmas that Panasonic puts out.



o-ledOracle LED has a good line of LED walls – but the choice to run a driving simulator in front of the lowest screen was really clever and I’m sure brought in more booth visitors than just posting your average slideshow or music video. The sheer size really made it an immersive experience and gave a compelling reason to give the products more inspection time. On a side note that applies to the whole InfoComm show – I’m so thankful that Psy – of Gungam Style fame – did not have a video that all display manufacturers felt compelled to run on a loop this year.


blog-transparent-LEDI think we may have covered this next company before, but I still love the transparent LED concept. GWS’s Glass Wall LED Screen seems to solve a architectural issue where you may need to hang a very large LED wall in the distance from a crowd, but don’t want to cut off visual access or have a huge black blob when the display is not running. As near I can tell this is a indoor-only screen, but I could be wrong.



blog-uniluminIn the world of more 4K shenanigans, a few manufacturers are advertising their LED walls – which is technically true! You just need enough of them. Depending on your pixel pitch, you may end up with a 500 foot screen before you hit that industry trend of 4K. But, besides the 4K marketing pitch, Unilumin’s LED wall image was compelling despite not being brand that comes to the front of your mind first like the Christies and Barcos of the world.


In short – if you’re in the market for an LED wall, there’s really no replacement for seeing them in person – and InfoComm is a perfect time to compare and contrast in the US.

