“Just Do It,” Generation Z!

Being introduced to this “secret” industry just over a year ago, I am able to get the feel for where it currently is and where it can be. Granted, I am new to the AV world and still have a lot to learn as to where it was, I do recognize it has many open […]

“Just Do It,” Generation Z!

Is TV Dying?

It’s no secret that there’s a generation of kids that aren’t watching TV on the giant enchanted box that fills the living room of most homes around the world. In fact, most of the Millenials and all of Generation X (nearly everyone below the age of 30, basically) have an obsession with watching TV programs […]

Is TV Dying?

Reaching out to Generation Y Within Our Channel

By Chuck Wilson Executive Director, NSCA Effective strategies for successfully working with young people in systems integration There is wide disagreement regarding the exact birth dates that define Generation Y. In the broadest sense, we could safely say they include the more than 70 million Americans born between 1977 and 2002. Also known as echo […]