But ARE There Really No Stupid Questions?

photo on 8-16-12 at 4.27 pmI’m thankful to work in an industry that’s changing SO rapidly that education is always on-going, people are constantly engaging with each other, and in the end, people are just trying to learn more and more. Questions are encouraged. As I’ve gotten more comfortable with the industry and the difference between CAT-5 cables and CAT-6 cables and the difference between LCD and Plasma and 2K vs 4K projection, I’ve really appreciated the opportunities I’ve had to ask questions of people way more experienced than me.

I’ve never been afraid of asking a question.

But I guess that’s because I’ve never had to ask a “stupid question.”

Now, I used to be a high school teacher, so I know how the mantra goes, “Now, now. There are no stupid questions.”

But the truth is, there might be.

Not every industry is so blessed to have supportive people who encourage the inquisitive.

But it got me thinking, “Is there a stupid question to ask in this industry?” Maybe. Maybe not.

I don’t know exactly where all this came from. Part of it stemmed from a conversation I had last weekend with a friend:

FRIEND: Oh, it looks like Paul Ryan was selected as Romney’s VP.
ME: Who’s Paul Ryan?
FRIEND: What?! Are you serious? You don’t know who Paul Ryan is?
ME: No. Should I?
FRIEND: Well, he’s a congressman from Wisconsin and he’s been rumored to be Romney’s pick for a while.
ME: Well, I don’t live in Wisconsin, and I don’t watch CNN or FOX news… so, hm, wait. (Looks up Paul Ryan on Google) OH. THAT GUY?! Oh yeah. I know that guy. I recognize his cowlick.

Okay, so the cowlick thing is a joke, BUT, it’s true. I had to Google Paul Ryan to figure out who he was. But then I felt stupid for asking the question. So, was my original question for not knowing who Paul Ryan was stupid? I don’t think so – again, going back to the notion that I don’t live in Wisconsin and I’m so tired of politics that anytime it comes on the news I change the channel. That’s a different story. BUT, the truth remains the same.

The point (of ALL of this quasi-stream-of-consciousness-rambling) being, is that I think it’s okay, GREAT even, to ask questions. No matter what. No matter when. No matter why.

If you don’t know… ASK. And if you’re afraid to ask, ask someone you trust. Or, in my case, Google it.

And on the flip side, if someone asks you a question, they probably asked you a question because they want to know the answer – not because they want to feel stupid.

Thankfully I am proud to work in an industry that DOES encourage the asking of questions – no matter how “stupid” they may seem.

On that note – can someone PLEASE explain Ohm’s Law again to me? I STILL DON’T GET IT.
